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Everything posted by miklkit

  1. Another issue that popped up after that last update. The "ambience" sound levels have gotten messed up. Now the wind sound on Kerbin and the mechanical sounds when in space are too loud and the engine sounds are too quiet. When I turn the sound level down to where those sounds are not too loud the engines are a very quiet hiss. I'm not a modder but just a humble end user. Is there an easy way to balance or mute individual sounds? My sound system: Creative Sound Blaster Z, Sennheiser 599 headphones.
  2. There is a sound when on Kerbin that I interpret as a gusty wind on a microphone. It is always present on land or flying and is really irritating. It seems to be in the "ambience" section, but I have to set it to "0" to make it go away which also mutes other sounds which I want to keep. I have searched for a sounds folder but it is empty. Is there any way to mute just this one sound?
  3. I have been using EVE, Scatterer, and Waterfall for a while successfully. Yesterday CKAN did an update to EVE that really messed things up. After uninstalling in CKAN and then reinstalling it was back to pure stock as near as I could tell. Uninstalled them all again and then went into gamedata. There I found ScattererAtmosphereCache still there. Deleted that and then reinstalled EVE, Scatterer, and Waterfall via CKAN, and all is back to normal again. Hope this helps someone.
  4. Yes, I found another suit that Jeb seems to like. Of course it about the ugliest one of all. He has no taste at all.
  5. I recently installed Kerbalized Suits and it works well. This made me look for Kerbalized Heads and I ended up here. Installed Texture Replacer and it works very well. The game not only looks better but runs better too. The base four Kerbals had corrupted textures until I changed their suits, and all was well after that. Until the next time I ran this game. Jeb went to a different suit with corrupted textures. I change the suit and he changes back at every restart, while the others are all fine. Any ideas on how to make him stay consistent?
  6. SOLVED! It is staging. When each engine type is in it's own stage, then each stage shows how much deltav that stage is capable of with the fuel available.
  7. I built an SSTO with 3 different engines. 2 whiplash, 2 nerv, and 1 wolfhound. Whiplash to get it into the air, wolfhound to get it into orbit, and nerv for everywhere else. This is the tech level I have. The problem is that when planning to go somewhere like the Mun, it will not change deltav for the different engines. It is the same for all of them. I set up the action groups to toggle the different engines and use the keyboard to throttle them. I just tried turning them on with one button and off with another button, but that did not work. There has to be a way to do this.
  8. Why does using the SPH or VAB cause dozens of corrupted files? And when will this be fixed. It is the same on 2 different rigs.
  9. What I DON"T want in KSP2? Please make it stable. In KSP1 the VAB causes dozens of files to be corrupted during every session.
  10. I have been having major physics problems with 1.11. It is to the point that I have lost all motivation to continue playing KSP. I like KSP and want to play it, but it is just plain broken. Will 1.12 fix the broken physics? Version 1.10 worked quite well.
  11. In 1.10 I used KAS and it worked great. With 1.11 KAS simply disappeared. Poof gone! At the KSP I made a proof of concept fuel tanker that worked using the klaw and the hoses. Sent it to the Mun and the Klaw works but the hoses don't. But fuel now flows through the klaw so it's all good. It still only fills one tank at a time instead of all of them at the same time. Hoses were way better in KAS.
  12. Dunno if this has been mentioned but on my install warp speed while flying on Kerbin is broken. Planes that used to be stable no longer are, and those that are stable go unstable over time. Contracts that require one to fly somewhere are no longer worth doing do to no warp speed.
  13. Thank you Stamp20. I found that file and uh ohh, they are large. It seems to me that highly Unionized Germany has been knocking the snot outta non Union Murrka for decades. living here is quite adventurous but methinks you would really not like it here.
  14. Just wondering how one does refueling now? KIS?KAS are gone and I mainly used it for refueling.
  15. Yes grouping them by suits is a fun option, and they do have their profession and level displayed, but I still need to scroll up and down the list to find the ones I want for that particular mission. It's anarchy.
  16. It indeed does not seem to be possible to organize and group the Kerbals. Apparently everyone plays sandbox where all Kerbals are maxed out, so there is no reason to go looking for one that is qualified for a mission.
  17. I have a number of Kerbals now and would like to organize them by careers. I want pilots together, engineers together, and scientists together. As it is now they are a jumbled up mess and I'm tired of going through them all to find the one I want. Is it possible to make this happen?
  18. I just tried to run CKAN to see if any mods had been updated and got an "unhandled exception" error stating "InvalidArgument=Value of "2" is not valid for "index"". It worked fine this morning when it installed Mechjeb2 into a clean new KSP v1.9 install. Since then I manually installed KAS/KIS which seems to not cause any issues. I deleted CKAN then DLed and installed it again with the same result. I'm guessing it is something on my end causing this. Any idea what it might be?
  19. Rendezvous. I built a special ship just for this and it still runs out of fuel before I even get close. I can land on the Mun closer to the target than I can get in LKO.
  20. Thanks. I went into my TEMP folder and deleted the ckan files from previous attempts. Version 1.27 then installed just fine.
  21. I'm using ckan version 1.26.10 with no problems and it now wants to update to v1.27. The antivirus says it is infected with IDP.ARES.generic trojan and will not let it install. Is this real or a false positive?
  22. Hi all, first post here. I installed KSB version 1.7.3 and all was well. Got updated to 1.8.0 and it was ok. Got updated to 1.8.1 and all was well again. The only mods were EVE, Scatterer, and Mechjeb2. No crashes, bugs, or glitches occurred. Yesterday I took a tourist to the Mun and back, did some test flying, and picked up another mission. I was in the VAB choosing which ship to take when I had to quit the game. When I came back I found that the last mission was incomplete! Checking showed we were sitting on the Mun and all progress after that was gone. So I completed it again. When returning the clouds around Kerbin had turned black and some of the land textures were blank. Wonderfull. More searching found the menu where one chooses which Kerbals go on a mission is locked. The last mission I picked up but not done was listed as active but that tourist is not on the crew roster. So I declined that one hoping it would reset the roster, but it did not. So, I saved the save folder and deleted KSP on Steam and then from the Steam folder. Reinstalled, put the save folder back in, and reinstalled Mechjeb2 and Scatterer. No EVE as the clouds were still corrupted and it was deleted again by CKAN. The game runs fine but there is no longer any notice when I quit that the game will be saved, and the crew roster is still locked. Is there any way to save this situation? https://www.dropbox.com/preview/Public/Player.log?role=personal EDIT: There seems to be a problem with this crew. He was picked up when rescued from the Mun. Hmm, there seems to be a problem uploading the screenie from Steam. It shows that crew as the only one and filling up the "available"slots. EDIT2: It seems it was that one Kerbal I rescued from the Mun. After dismissing him the crew roster has returned to normal and everything else seems to be working ok again. Still no warning about saving the game when exiting tho.
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