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Everything posted by RoninFrog

  1. I use Shift+Command+3 on a Mac, so I almost never use the built-in screenshot function. Lemme real quick check my KSP folder for forgotten fat-fingered photos. It'll be the first time I actually look in that folder. I bet there's some good ones. ...actually there is only one unintentional photo. Kind of boring. Just a random shot of the VAB. But I also found some shots evoking nostalgia of old forgotten crafts of the past...
  2. Made an extremely agile plane for my standards, meaning it only takes a couple seconds to get turned around instead of ten or twenty. It can do a loop in about 5 seconds. In the SPH (got it right this time): The plane lifts off at about 35 m/s. Buzzing the control tower! This screenshot was really hard to take. Pulled up 180° to zip just over the VAB upside down: Just after I went over the VAB, I whipped the plane around and made an attempt at the R&D bridge, the classic plane stunt. Even though I clipped the fuselage on a truck on the other side, Jeb survived and I did go underneath, so it counts! I should get some kind of video recorder, because these screenshots just don't capture it. Anybody know of a free recorder that doesn't block the altimeter with a logo?
  3. Let's get back on track, guys. I think this was last valid: As the next person said: And didn't add one. so: 52 -
  4. Reasoning: We'll have no lack of new places to land on. KSP 1 has a shortage of gas giants, and I hope KSP 2 doesn't. Ovin looks nearly impossible to take off from and we already have one of those (Eve). So I vote Glumo.
  5. And then someone milked the cow and then fed the milk to their cat.
  6. One other possibility I see is COL and COM problems, a real classic. If the plane is aerodynamically stable horizontally but not vertically, it will try to turn sharply. Try putting a bigger tail fin on the back of the plane.
  7. If you got a craft in an equatorial orbit, switching to the craft and setting Minmus as target will display ascending and descending nodes.
  8. TWR stats would be crucial. Also, how fast are you descending?
  9. You seem to be in a pretty high orbit, so you're gonna want to burn on the night side of Kerbin (assuming you are orbiting in a normal direction). Edit: Actually, that might not work too well. Just scoot that node further along your orbit until your Kerbol (Sun) Periapsis is near Kerbin.
  10. I landed the HMS Sauron on Dres and determined that it actually does exist. I think I know what Jeb's thinking here. Landed! Definitely on the first try. Yeah, m-hm. Flag time! The Dres canyon does have some pretty cool shots, I gotta admit.
  11. Space Potato Number 3: Dres! (For reals) Ejecting from Duna from Ike orbit requires less dV than ejecting from Eve from Gilly orbit. Weird. Jeb didn't listen to Bill's pleas to wait for a transfer window, and had to go most of the way around Kerbol before finding a good maneuver node to get to Dres. Bill also noticed a strange craft on a Kerbin-Eeloo trajectory. Gonna have to investigate that later. Just over a year and many gallons of fuel (and crates of snacks) later, the Sauron's trajectory looked like this. So Dres apparently exists after all! Some kerbals in the crew cabin still have their doubts, though. There was still a lot of fuel in the tanks in Dres orbit, so the canyon will be the first stop. Gotta find a good mining spot to refuel at after the canyon trip, though. Dres has really good ore. Not as good as Ike or as concentrated as Tylo, but still mostly near 12% and above 14% (estimated) in several places. That there looks like a canyon. Sacred bovine, that's a big ditch! Jeb, are you thinking what I think you're thinking? I have a feeling this landing isn't gonna end well... Landed! Terrible ore, thank goodness we won't be mining here! We won't mention the quicksaves involved. Like the aborted landings... Or the time *that* happened... Great shot of the flag. Jeb gets some extra snacks for that. Here's some scenes from the canyon exploration:
  12. Just found this: https://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=36152&game=Kerbal Space Program 2 Don't know if this is official or just a guess, but here's what they said.
  13. Space Potato number 3: Dres! Transfer windows, schmansfer windows. I wanna launch! I dropped down to Eve real quick for a little speed boost before zinging myself on out into the final frontier: The brave explorers set out on a grand journey to debunk the mystery of the existence of Dres, much like Kolumbus setting out on his journey to determine whether Kerbin was really flat or not. What the kerbals found was mystifying. Dres was strangely reddish with white poles- JEEEEEEBBBB!!! Not AGAIN!!! Okay, okay, rewind the tape. We got some explaining to do. I didn't burn all the way to Dres' orbit when I ejected from Eve's SOI, and I couldn't do a plane change because Eve was not near the ascending or descending node. All the Dres intercepts I could get in the next few years were not near the ascending or descending nodes either. I didn't have enough dV to do a plane change in interplanetary space. But guess what? You guessed it: I had a perfect Duna transfer window. So to Duna we will go. Actually, we've already been to Duna, so I decided to go to Ike. I, for one, actually do like Ike. Does Ike count as a space potato, or is it better classified as a satellite troll? Well, that ore looks depressing. The M700 is on 60% cutoff, and that's the only place on the planet highlighted. The Narrow Band tells a different story, though. Despite what the M700 thinks, the ore on Ike is absolutely incredible!!! The entire planet, with the exception of that mountain range on the left and a smidge of the dark area on the right, is all above 14% ore! Wowzers! The best ore (estimated 14.6%) is right smack in the middle of that central mountain range. So, when you've got a lot of extra dV, you can do things like this : And this. We don't waste any time around here! Bam landed! Kind of sloped, but the Sauron has a wide base and low COM. Ike is usually really dark, but not in this area! And, backwards flag time! C'mon, Jeb! Definitely going to Dres next time. For reals. No more transfer fails and Duna encounters. Hopefully.
  14. Space potato number 2 again: Gilly! Transfer windows are lame. I refueled and immediately maneuver noded meself into yon interplanetare. Pretty sure it would take less game time to line up a transfer window, but those things are really finicky. It looks like I'll hit Eve at the next Apoapsis: Hello, purple kerbal eater! My trajectory put me within a few kilometers of the atmosphere, so my kerbals could wave to their stranded friends on the surface. (Actually the Sauron is one of only two crafts in the game. My stranded kerbals are in another save.) I have a massive amount of extra dV, so let's burn it! A 90° degree plane change should do it. There's a familiar looking hunk of rock: From this angle, Gilly looks almost as big as Eve! Funny how they put the smallest, most peaceful moon with almost no gravity and drab colors around the biggest solid planet with screaming fast speeds, dense atmosphere, a huge gravity well, chaotic aerobraking, and bright colors. Gilly is really hard to nail a landing, since it rotates so fast and the orbital velocity is so low. I landed pretty close to my old landing site by burning directly towards it from orbit. I landed within 500 m of the old flag, so instead of getting all of the kerbals out, I only dispatched Lisvey to go read the plaque. The ore is 0.01% better over by the Sauron than where Livsey is standing. Gilly is a really small place! Dres next, huh? I hear it's got some good asteroids. Too bad I don't have a claw to lug one around.
  15. Yeet! Yeet yeet yeet yeet yeet!
  16. Somebody needs to learn their ABC's: Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot again. rayo (10100) +2 -
  17. Let's just blame it on @adsii1970. Edit: oh, yeah, -126 -
  18. They might have used an action group instead of staging. I don't really know.
  19. Parachute will definitely be the one deploying. The staging does what the player tells it, not what it thinks makes sense.
  20. Pretty sure the Northern Sinkhole is actually a biome near the north pole (or should I say "north hole"), not the Mohole itself. Don't know if these charts are up to date: https://imgur.com/gallery/a7sKY
  21. Problem: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings I haven't seen any phones with all those buttons, gadgets, and thingymajigs. Also, phones generally only have 4 GB of RAM, and my laptop barely keeps up with 8.
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