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Everything posted by Romfarer

  1. I mainly use part modules for persistance purposes and i think it is brilliant at that. For example making the kerbals on EVA remember what vessel they came out of. Then again, i completely agree that more onSomething methods are needed in the part module class.
  2. Hello Plugin-Powered Addon Releases section This thread has been in the Plugin Development and Projects as the Lazor System has been in continous development since late April. Lazor System is still being developed and i will try to update it bi-weekly.
  3. I'm going to add something that will inform the user that only one lazor system can be placed on a vessel. I have had other reports about the end flight window. I have only been able to reproduce this bug once, and that was related to a ksp bug. If you can reproduce this it would be really helpfull. I guess it is only fair as i have 'stolen' some code from your plugins What are you going to use it for?
  4. @Tosh: I take it the thumbnails you provided was a result of having more than one lazor system on your vessel? And thanks for the Heads up. I forgot to remove that part module after i move it's peristance to PluginData/romfarer/kps.txt. Any other issues?
  5. This is something i would definately add to my planes It seems to me that the problem here is: How to programmatically add struts in the SPH. Struts that appear automatically when you add the pontoons to a plane, linking the pontoons to the part they are attached to and between the pontoons. After they are placed they will look and operate exactly as if the user added the struts themselves. You should probably consider to just leave that up to the user as there are "infinite" ways to connect those things. And even if you do manage to add them programmaticly, the structure of the plane will probably requre additional struts anyways.
  6. I dont think i really understand the problem. So when you add the landing gear (rocket or airplane landing gear?) to a vessel in VAB or SPH you use onAttach to also add struts linking the landing gear to the part it is attached to or struts linking the landing gear counterparts together. Why do you then need to remove the rigidbodies from the joints? Is it imaginary struts or actual struts?
  7. FlightCtrlState.X FlightCtrlState.Y FlightCtrlState.Z
  8. I'm pretty sure onPack is called at the same time as another "on" method. I was fiddeling a lot with that when i was making remote control. Maybe onSave does it? You could also check every frame if the Part.pack is set. Or ask Mu to add a onPack method to PartModules.
  9. I insert a lot of return; statements until i find the line with the exception. That is, when i have forgotten what i was writing. Normally i just write a few lines of code and test it immediately. But if i could run a debugger at the same time i guess that would be A LOT easier ;-) I WANT THIS TOO....
  10. My plugin use Part.propagateControlUpdate to remote control vessels. This was working fine until 0.16 hit. It is now only possible to use this within the atmosphere. In orbit it does not work right, i can send a FlightCtrlState to this method that modifies the throttle but not yaw, pitch and roll.

    There is still a chance this is caused by a bug in my program but since throttle is working, i doubt it.

    I have already asked NovaSilisko and Mu about it but nova said he only made the part and mu has not replied yet.

  11. I think at the very minimum you have to install and try the plugin for yourself.
  12. You can add locations from within the game. You select these directly on the map. Or you can copy paste them into the text file which is located in PluginData/romfarer/kps.txt (it will be created when you first open up the system). It's described in detail in the the manual. The system already comes with a few pre-made example locations you can delete and modify as you wish. For reference, this is what the kps.txt looks like: Mun#4.16064834714487#-55.6260228246487#Crater 1 Mun#63.5456339296924#-32.3903335090882#Crater 2 Mun#13.1034661976821#20.7120616562151#Crater 3 Mun#-9.00872987151143#81.8389789338056#Crater 4 Mun#-20.0523976065337#135.036532057894#Crater 5 Mun#6.97189113955997#-150.202351223027#Crater 6 Mun#-37.6715834126541#4.7115849947796#Romfarer landing Minmus#-23.7466988564638#-342.025066661392#Romfarer was here Kerbin#62.6437630408871#-117.351140052713#Romfarer Bay Kerbin#20.6616392056821#-146.333447448622#KSC 2 CelestialBody#Latitude#Longitude#LocationName <-format KSP has blocked XML reading/writing so i had to make my own format, that may change in the future, and if it does, this file will be converted automatically. The coordinates are represented in decimal cause that's what KSP use internally and it is also real easy to parse and write up correctly. Let me know if you need support for sexagesimal (hours, minutes, seconds). In game this looks something like this:
  13. Have you tried marking any locations with the KPS subsystem in LazorSystem? I can add a lot of extra stuff to that system if you are interested. It might even be possible to mark areas on the map, such as outlines for countries.
  14. Surprice surprice, The new Lazor Guided Flight enhancments for rockets that were implemented in the last update or Lazor System does this to a degree. It's not the NASA algorithms but it uses a similar system to set directions and keep the vessel there. It definately don't have fixed dead-zones and i am not sure how it compares to the regular ASAS in the dead-zone area but it is definately more powerfull than regular ASAS. Feel free to test it at let me know if you want a dead-zone button added to it...
  15. Thanks For the most part i really feel like that, but sadly i spend 95% of the development time figuring out something in the KSP API or fixing weird bugs. Well, perhaps if i spent more than 5% of the time actually implementing new stuff, i wouldn't have to bug fix so much.....haha Concerning the altitude issue: You can also turn on Lazor Vision, that will enable an overlay which will indicate distance and angle for anything ANY lazor hits. Fuel transfer will be a vessel to vessel and a vessel to Fuel Tank (the one at ksp) kind of thing. It will be a "slow" timed transfer, and each transfer lazor (probably yellow color) will transfer a set amount per second. The more of these lazors you add, the faster the fuel transfer will go.
  16. RCS thrusters would be the Z, X, Y fields in your fly-by-wire.
  17. If you had LazorSystem with Tractor Beams installed, you could use those to flip your vessel up again.
  18. http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Module_code_examples See the Fly-by-wire section ...
  19. My plugin got a Kerbin Positioning System which allows you to mark locations on the map. All the locations are also stored in a file so you can share them. I.e all locations are represented as a line in the file so you can just paste locations in there and it will show up on your map. Plugin Development and Projects -> Romfarer_LazorSystem
  20. Hopefully it will be possible to change the title soon. Just set it to Romfarer_LazorSystem for now if you can. Thanks. Edit: Nicely done
  21. It's only changing the title of my post, not my thread.
  22. How do i change the title of my thread? oh and btw look what i discovered. http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/8924/curiositym.jpg
  23. Ill try forwarding the question to Mu then, thanks anyways.

  24. Can you explain why the new command pods for rockets: Mk1 and Mk1-2 does not take input from Part.propagateControlUpdate while in orbit? Speccifficly i can send a FlightCtrlState to this method that modifies the throttle but not yaw, pitch and roll. While in the atmosphere it seems to be working fine and i can set both throttle, yaw, pitch and roll.

    There is still a chance this is caused by a bug in my program but since throttle is working, i doubt it. I would really appreciate a reply on this one.

    Thanks in advance.


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