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Everything posted by Romfarer

  1. Then i\'m at a loss. A clean install has worked for the cases i know about, where this has happened. It if is someting wrong with lazor system, it will most likely load up with all lazors firing bright white beams. Or crash horribly, luckily that has only happened on my own system when i test crazy stuff.
  2. I still think it is an issue with the ksp installation. Even though your ksp ui may say the version is 15.2 it\'s not always correct. The only way to fix that is to do a clean install of the latest version of ksp.
  3. checklist: Have you put Romfarer.dll in your 'ksp_win/Plugins' folder? Have you placed the contents of the Parts folder in the 'ksp_win/Parts' folder? Have you loaded up one of the attached crafts? (Stabba or LazorCraft)
  4. In case someone else is wondering, you can edit and remove locations from the target list. Any other issues?
  5. :o :o ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? New Lazor System is out!!! The main feature in this update is the Kerbal Positioning System (KPS). It still needs some work i know, but i\'d really like to hear what you think about it.
  6. Lazor system will only work with the latest version of KSP: 0.15.2. This is because it uses some range extending features that were added then.
  7. It is possible to remote control another vessel up to 95km away.
  8. dr.phees The C and L buttons are for Chase and Lock mode and they are supposed to affect all the other lazors attached to the vessel. In chase mode the other lazors will have the same direction as the lead lazor and in lock mode they will hit what the lead lazor is hitting. Currently there are no systems that benefit from this functionality. They are however supposed to keep tracking the lead lazors. Thanks for pointing out this behavior, i will look into it. The color on the lead lazor (white, blue, red, green) is supposed to make up the very basic functionality of the system. The blue lead lazor is used for connecting to other vessels, the green one is for scanning stuff, the red one is for setting the direction of your vessel (not currently implemented) and the white one is a general purpose lazor mainly used for targeting. As you can see from some of the displays popping up on the main panel when you activate the different colors, this part of the system is not finished. I\'m still trying to figure out exactly how these systems should work. You mention a flickering white lazor. What would the purpose of such a lazor be?
  9. Lazor System requires the last version of KSP. This is most likely the reason why you are not seeing the GUI. Let me know if updating to the last version of KSP doesn\'t fix the issue. But i love my lazor button..! On the other hand i made it more as a proof of concept, one i will continue to work on. I see your point. However, i still haven\'t given up on the idea of introducing more colors to the system and expanding on color mixing by adding crystals. And then if blue is tinted it would affect the tint of cyan and magenta. The next update will address this issue. It was a lot trickier than it sounds, but now lazor system will be in front of the ksp gui\'s and all overlays, such as target indicators will appear behind the lazor system gui, but over the ksp gui. I wanted the overlays to go behind the ksp gui, but it is tricky due to the way the ksp gui\'s are made, i haven\'t completely given up on it though. I\'m going to look into this more. Some basic effect is easy to make, and if i could figure out a way to add material shaders there would be almost no limit to what could be done. (like chrome, reflections, mirrors, animated textures etc.) Atm. it seems to be impossible to do that without compiling the shaders with unity and adding them to the assets folder. The lead lazor will unlock any target it you change its position, this is a feature. If you are loosing lock by only moving your vessel or the target vessel, then it is a bug. It would be helpful if you could write some more about this. Thanks for all of your comments
  10. I\'ve been making a positioning system that comes with any configuration of lazor system. So if you find any interesting places, in next version of lazor system you will be able to mark them on your map. It will work on Kerbin, the Mun and Minmus.... Do you approve of this???
  11. I ran into a really annoying error with KSP. It turns out when you place a gui element behind one of the KSP gui elements, such as the button that opens and closes the navball, then that button is disabled. I wanted to draw all my overlays behind the regular gui\'s but i have to disable the feature because of this stupid bug. Edit: I found a workaround, the overlays will now draw behind my own gui, and clutter the ksp gui with a lot of lovely arrows, circles, target indicators and stuff
  12. It is possible to add this functionality. However, the main challenge would be to make this system make sense to the user. I can easily pop up the targets whole lazor system and let you change its parameters, but how will you see the effect of what is being done? Likewise i can probably pop up any system on the target vessel, for example mechjeb or the like. I do plan to add more LOS to the system, and the case you describe is exactly the reason i haven\'t implemented it yet. Right now the way it is done, you connect to the tracking station at ksp, there is no los for this linkup or what the tracking station can see. Admittedly i am not sure how to design the system, that is i can figure out the technical stuff, but presenting it to the user in a understandable way is the challenge. I appreciate your input
  13. Sometimes i\'ll spend days looking through the codebase, searching on google and making test code to figure things out. I\'d start with looking into how KSP brings the parts into the game. I know you can access all the assets in the game at runtime, perhaps you can do it that way and convert a game object into a part.
  14. Soon with flight-paths and target location markers.... Ok, so the green arrow shows where my plane is going and the red dotted line shows the optimal flight path towards my target location which is marked by a red triangle. And the big red cross with the numbers is the target marker. Its possible to do a lot of cool stuff with this 'tech'. Like a global positioning system that can draw locations on the map. OR maybe a system to mark regions on the map, like a colored line along the border of a country. But i have only plans to make the first of those ideas, unless someone has a better idea?
  15. Lazor system. Now in beta!!! ...and animated buttons and stuff
  16. The temperature is constant below 25km. Unless i am reading it wrong. I only measured up to 25km.
  17. I am obsessed! ??? Today at work i shot up some rockets to study the composition of the atmosphere. And when i analyzed the data i figured out that the density and pressure follows the following formulas, both with a coefficient of determination: R^2 = 0,9999 so it should be pretty accurate d = 1.2131e^-2E-04a p = 0.986e^2E-04a where d is density, p is pressure and a is altitude. This was expected, but when i draw the graph for altitude * density i discovered that it peaks at 5km . So i\'m not totally sure about the terminology but it seems to me like the CHANGE in density per altitude is increasing up to 5km and then starts to decline. So if i\'m going to do anything that involves (wanted altitude - current altitude) and density i\'ll have to make a formula for below 5k and one for above 5k. ???
  18. You don\'t know what i\'m trying to do. I\'m almost giving up the whole thing. I can\'t put atmospheric density into my most stupid 'equations' so it will never work if i try to put it in a pid controller anyways. i\'ve been adding 'random' numbers into this crap for over a week now i feel like im going insane.... ???
  19. Its mostly the parameters you mentioned i\'ve been trying to put together in a formula. I want an output that makes a curved approach towards my target altitude and then 'stops' in a position with 0 vertical speed, preferably within a couple % of the target altitude. The problem is: 1. To put the atmospheric density into the formula correctly so my plane a. don\'t overshoot b. don\'t get to an altitude with vertical speed 0 but somehow is unable to maintain pitch and DIVE. 2. HEAVY airplanes at high altitude...see 1.b. 1.b is the BIG problem!
  20. Edit..........deleted Edit. It sucks to program this stuff when i don\'t know all the parameters OR the flight model.
  21. the project is at a complete standstill :\'( I have become obsessed with calculating the pitch required for leveled flight and i can\'t figure it out.
  22. tan Pitch = displacement + mass * (1-AtmDensity) / Velocity * sqrt(mass*((VelVert/10)+1)) ??? That is my formula for optimal airplane pitch in my auto-altitude system. It works pretty good in practice but i\'m wondering if anyone can help to bring it in line with the classic mechanics of THIS universe?
  23. I also added a prototype altitude control to the lazor guided flight system. All it lacks now is a landing system to become a full autopilot for planes, but i\'m not gonna add that as it will take all the fun out of it. In stead i\'m going to add some instruments to help with lining up with the runway and any other target you might want to line up with, such as other vessels in orbit.
  24. Hmmmmm. How about this. The main lazor system on the craft requires a lazor on top with NO crystal in between. But if you put an additional lazor system on the craft with a red crystal and a lazor on top it becomes a missile the main module can detect and fire. If you put a red + blue crystal on top it becomes a video guided missile But would this setup have any non weaponized use?
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