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Everything posted by Romfarer

  1. Once i re-design the way remote control works it will be possible to turn anything into a target seeking missile. But i have to figure out how remote control should be engaged. And if it goes in a window, it probably will, but i have to figure out if all the \'lead lazor systems\' should have its own tab like for example subsystems has. And finally since remote control requires an active linkup with the lead lazor, and to lock a target requires active lead lazor tracking as well, i somehow have to figure out a way to transfer the lead lazors job to a subsystem, hopefully in a way that is not too complicated =p BTW: Lazor System already comes with the ultimate weapon against other vessels. See the Target -> (click target) -> S-D button ;D
  2. You are back! The latest build includes some functions to make your rocket a lazor guided missile. See the Subsystems -> Lazor Guided Flight -> LockTarget. It is also possible to do with airplanes but you have to use the Subsystems -> Lazor Guided Flight -> Follow Leader approach with a target selected and using the red lazor. Simple =P But i suppose they want to do it with some kind of remote control, if the target is yourself, you can do it with the Remote Control -> Follow, function. Using this with a target requires some re-structuring, ill get to that. Unless it perhaps is something completely different?
  3. something like this will be in the upcoming changelog. [li]Lazor Guided Flight has a new \'Fly to location\' function which uses great circle theory to plot the most efficient course to your destination.[/li] neeeeeeext ;D
  4. I\'m familiar with the concept but have no clue about the theory behind it. So if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.
  5. If you do a classic Romfarer landing, you need an array to describe the landing position. =P
  6. I think the exception is being thrown here: GUILayout.Label((string)musiclib[curSongPos], GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); musiclib[curSongPos] seems to return as int32 and you are trying to cast it into a string. Edit: so to explain a little further. Invalid Cast Exception can only happen when you cast something i.e. Part p = (Part)Object.Initialize(something); The section you have provided from your output log is also the place it is being reported, albeit poorly at that. It is just a trace of the error, where the top line tells you exactly where the exception occurred, in your case at MusicPlayer.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 . So you know it happened in your WindowGUI method and it has something to do with Int32. Unfortunately the filename references are useless here.
  7. I could make an overlay, something similar as the red target square, that shows where the green lazors are hitting and the distance. I have also planned to make improvements to the nightvision. Improvements to the LIDAR is also planned. Until then, the green lazor has a targeted scan mode though. If you use the green lead lazor in mouse look mode and just hold down the left mouse button, it will scan and add targets to the target list.
  8. I really appreciate that zoher, thanks The lazor can already measure distance to anything it hits, but you have to switch on the green lazor to see that. So i understand you would like a subsystem where you place for example, green lazors on the side of your vessel, and when you aim them at something you will see distance, reflection angles and also pressure and surface distance? This i can make, no problem. When you say 'divergence of rays' what exactly do you mean? It seems to be very closely related to measuring distance.
  9. I think i will wait to tweak the warp speed mechanigs until 0.16 is out. Oh and btw, a new version of lazor system is out
  10. In this situation, how does the plane behave if you go 2x warp with the missing wing?
  11. A picture says more than a thousand words. 8)
  12. You would probably have to manually assemble the vessel by building a part hierarchy with the methods available in the Part class, then at some point 'finish it all off' by calling Initialize on the vessel. :-X I believe there already is a plugin for an orbital VAB, you might want to look that up.
  13. Since there is no wind in KSP, velocity relative to the air is equal to the velocity relative to the rotating frame. Vector3d rotatingFrameVelocity = nonRotatingFrameVelocity - vessel.mainBody.getRFrmVel(position); This is taken from the following ksp wiki page: http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Module_code_examples
  14. Personally i use the Unity libraries a lot more than i use the KSP libraries, this is because they are a lot better documented. I use http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/ScriptReference/ a lot.
  15. It should be possible. However, (maybe this is what Foamy meant) you have to require that your users use a certain part, maybe a custom pod, on their ships. Then it\'s 'just' a matter of implementing your own economy system in your part and limit what parts users can put on their vessels. It is possible to create buildings too if you use the Unity package. That said it will not be easy and you need to have quite a lot of programming experience to pull something like that off.
  16. Just put both plugins in the same namespace. If your stuff is directly tied to Parts on a vessel. The best way to load everything into the engine is to call foreach(Part p in vessel.parts). Then make a Initialize() (NOt a constructor) method on your parts and call it in either onPartLoad or onFlightStart or similar.
  17. Generally speaking you can do almost anything in KSP. You get access to the Unity package which allows you to do A LOT of fancy stuff. Even if something in KSP is directly blocking you from doing something, you CAN program it from scratch over again in your plugin. I completely fail to see what is not possible. Please list concrete examples.
  18. Implementing time delays and such is no problem at all and neither is making it appear as the camera is far away in the sense that the image gets garbled the further away you get etc. The mod you mentioned uses a different method for 'remote controlling' in the sense that you are actually controlling the craft directly but with a delay. My mod is doing it while at a distance and herein lies the problem, floating point inaccuracy. To explain this here is a simplified example. Say the game world is made up of a 3d grid that everything snaps to. At 0 distance the snapping points of this grid is 1 micro meter. What floating point inaccuracy does is this: At 10 meter these points are 1 centimeter apart, at 100 meter they are 0.1 meter away and at thousand meters the distance is 1 meter. Of course this is a simplified example but the problem is essentially the same. The further away you get the more the parts in your vessel will shake, to the point where there is nothing that can keep them together. I solve this by progressively strengthening the vessel but it will only work within certain limits. UNLESS they make changes to the game engine. Alternatively i could cheat the user by swapping vessels, so your actual active vessel is the one in the little window but the main camera is swapped =P But that means you cant move while you are remote-controlling. There is other things you can do to make it work but i think in the end it comes down to, is it fun to control your vessels in a little window?
  19. Thanks Your kind words inspired me, so earlier today i set out to make the first fully remote controlled flight around the world. And after 9 hours of intense programming here is the result. This is my test rocket returning from the trip. It reached a maximum distance of 1,9 million meter. And i discovered that the safe distance for the system is approximately 100.000 meter. But i will leave the unlimited distance in the system as a toggle button so you guys can try to copy this mission. I dare you....
  20. I\'m pleased to inform you that i have solved the 'remote control from a distance' problem. It is now possible to see and fly any vessel from 'any' distance. Any is in quotation marks because the distance is now only limited by floating point errors in the physics engine and it remains to be seen what true distance it is possible to remote control vessels from. Another problem is that this PROBABLY sets the visible and physics enabled distance for all vessels in the game, and this will PROBABLY cause lag proportional to the amount of vessels you have active within the remote control distance. Hopefully it will be possible to limit this effect to only one vessel at the time. I have to do more testing, i was just so excited i had to write this up immediately :-X
  21. At the moment my focus is to improve the features that\'s already implemented such as lazor guided flight, scanning, target cam and remote control. The tweezers you mentioned is something i have thought about too, and i want to implement that but i think it will have to wait until the existing systems are working properly. For the most part, what\'s stopping progress is 'what goes where' decisions. For example i know i want readouts for various vessel parameters (speed, altitude, etc. etc.) but then i have to decide where to put it. Also the target vessel should have similar readouts and those also needs a location. And of course, the readouts should depend on what systems you have activated. And in the end it all has to make sense for the user. :-X I am also stuck trying to find a value for the pitch required to achieve level flight. Something like (atm.density * velocity^2 * v_lift) - weight. :-X Gonna see what i can do about the camera thing you mentioned. For the moment you can use the right mouse button to pan the camera while in mouse-look mode. But it doesn\'t move the camera as much as it should...
  22. Thanks for your comments. I have added some more information including, assembly details and a manual to the OP. Persistence features will be added to the system when it is more ready for release. Right now the focus is to complete the first version of lazor system so it can be released in the main plugin thread. I\'m working on ways to improve the lazor guided flight including the option to keep the pitch relative to the planet. And im also investigating ways to display the grass, horizon on the target cam. If you have ANY comments or ideas about what you would like to see added to the system, i really want to hear it. As i hope sal_vager can attest to, most suggestions will actually be implemented
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