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Everything posted by Romfarer

  1. The red triangle indicates the rotation of your docking port in relation to the docking port you are trying to dock with. I'll consider adding an indicator for where your target docking port is on the camera window. ÃŽâ€x and vx will come at some point.
  2. The exploding launch clamps is a TEMPORARY feature. It is only there as a compromise to avoid another bug which is much more annoying.
  3. My mods use the same plugin file "Romfarer.dll". So you should be able to update everything by just installing that file. I'll proably add an option in the lazor powered menu so you can get the lazor powered eva's even if you don't have lazor system on your vessel. It won't really work atm. to use lazor system as a partmodule because it requires a part with a speciffic structure (a lazor on top, for one). It could of course be made to do that but it is not a priority at all as it would require a lot of work.
  4. You can set the loading distance in the lazor powered menu in the space center. And before someone ask, no it can't be made automatic cause there is no way to tell what range you need: Generally if you don't want to use missile stuff and don't want to see stuff far away with the camera, just set it to default.
  5. Changelog v26 (April 26): Lazor System EVA: Added a decouple and weld function to the EVA's coming out of vessel with Lazor System installed. This system is speciffically made to work with my robotic arms and it is possible to use it to move parts on your vessel in-flight. This system has been tested using one arm. I can't guarantee that it will work if you create elaborate chains of arms or circular connections. So if you want it to work in those cases you will have to test it yourself and send me the steps to reproduce any bugs you find. The decoupling beam will decouple the selected part from it's parent. If using this with the robotic arms, keep in mind that the parent part is in the direction of the current root part of the vessel. Generally if the arm control is enabled, this is away from the arm, and towards the arm if the controls are grayed out. The weld beam will weld two selected parts together. The parts need to be close to eachother for this to work properly. Lazor System EVA: Lazor powered EVA's should not loose their connection to their vessels as frequently anymore. Lazor System, Lazor guided flight (Red) system: Pid controller settings are now persistent Lazor System, Lazor guided flight (Red) system: Fixed lazor guided flight directions in rocket mode. The system's directions will now depend on where you are controlling from. Lazor System, Tractor beam (Magenta) system: Now with simplified movement control. Lazor System, Tractor beam (Magenta) system in hover mode: The stabilizor should now properly stabilize the craft independent on the controlling command pod's position/rotation. Lazor System Config: Improved grouping/ungrouping functions. All plugins: Linux compatibility fix. Lazor Docking Cam: Fixed some issues with installing the package on MAC Enjoy!
  6. Added a reminder for Romfarer to fix his GUI handling I laughed so hard when i saw the kittens
  7. I think you need a different type of warhead to do what you are trying to do. How about one that rips every part of the vessel off and THEN send them flying? ;-)
  8. The new tractor beam is definately working and better than ever! Check out my windsurfer So the "plane" only has a sharp edge as err.."landing surface", and a huge sail looking thing on the top. It immediately flips over when launching, but i catch it during the fall and enable the stabilizer so it immediately flips back up again. Then i set the altitude of the hover system to 5 meter, go EVA and cruise down the runway =p Edit... i made a better one
  9. This new lazer powered stabilizer is insane, i couldn't nudge my vessel when i had it on. I can already hear the critics "ooooop op op" hehe. I think i gonna have to turn down the effect on that thing =p
  10. If the plan was to keep the system like it is now, it would be better to add 6 different colored lazors in stead of 1 lazor and 3 color crystals to do the same thing. The reason why i made it like this is, i wanted a system you have to build on top of a rocket, just like you build the rocket itself. After all, the game itself could come with a couple pre-made rockets you could fly, but the whole point of ksp is the assembly. Originally i planned to add more lazor modifications to the systems, not just color crystals. And honestly i haven't really given up on that idea. I realize it doesn't make much sense to have it like this for some of the subsystems and i'm hoping to correct this as the development progress.
  11. I've been working on this since yesterday and i believe i have figured it out. There seems to be some issue with the way i was applying the force directly to the vessel and not to it's parts individually. Overall i think my solution will make the hovering system work better. Pros: It will work for any craft. It will be easier to tilt crafts to make them move. Cons: Hovercrafts are a lot easier to flip over. To that end i'm going to add a tractor powered stabilizing system which will use whatever force the other tractor systems are not using, to keep the craft steady.
  12. I really think the KSP team will implement this into the game. But....i've been itching to get some feedback on this new system i spent almost a month making. Has anyone tried the transfer system?
  13. On my end it is implemented. But i will recompile sunbeam with the required modifications. And if there is any versioning issues with it down the road i'll take care of that too. As far as i know, Tosh was finished implementing features for this mod. For the moment my goal is to integrate it with lazor system, like i and tosh have discussed. What will become of this mod down the road, i can't answer for. It will completely depend on the feedback i get.
  14. I'll add vessels as targets for the transfer system in the next version. Thanks for the suggestion. If you only want a transfer calculator, protractor is a great mod. It doesn't have the elliptic formulas though, no wonder cause i made those myself As far as the teleporter goes, I will "make it so", as Picard would say ;-)
  15. The new transfer system has already been through two "focus tests", afaik. it works. Are you trolling or is there some critical bug?
  16. Beta 9 is out. The big thing in this update is the interplanetary transfer system. I have added a guide to the system in the subsystems section of the topic. If you have any questions or find any bugs, please let me know Here are the tutorials i added: Transfering from Kerbin to Mun: Launch your vessel, open up the Tracking Station linkup in the subsytems tab and press the "Map overlays" button. To complete this transfer your parking orbit around Kerbin has to be non eccentric (it has to be a circle). I.e. Apoapsis has to be almost the same as Periapsis. And your parking orbit has to have almost 0 elevation. Use the readouts in the Parameters tab and the green circle in the map overlay to help with this. The green circle will show up when you press "Map overlay" and go to map view. When you have done this your orbit should look something like the image below. Wait until the red line (your phase angle) aligns with the cyan line (departure angle) and start thrusting in a prograde direction. Using the Lazor Guided Flight in "prograde" mode will help a lot here. The goal here is for your orbital velocity to reach the "V Departure" value in the numerical display. Or your transfer orbit reaches the mun's orbit. So while thrusting zoom map view out and watch your transfer orbit. If you have aligned everything up correctly you will see your transfer orbit connect with the mun through the patched conics system in KSP. When this happends, press X on your keyboard immediately to shut of your engines. It looks something like the image below. Transfering from Kerbin to Duna: Before you start this transfer it is a good idea to go to map view and fast forward until the red line is close to the cyan line or in other words your phase angle is a few degrees bigger than the Departure angle. The departure window display will also give you a median estimate of how long this will take. Then launch your vessel and assume a circular, non inclined orbit. In map view this may look like something like this. It is very important that your starting orbit has an inclination very close to 0 for this transfer to connect. Now you have to wait until the planets align. Depending on your orbit warping forward and low orbits may take a looooong time. That's why its a good idea to launch at the right moment or set a high parking orbit. When this happends, you will see the cyan line on your map and when it is almost at Kerbins SoI its a good time to line up your eject angle. In the image below my vessel is 6 degrees ahead of the eject angle. In this toturial i started the burn at 3 degrees ahead. Anyways, start thrusting until your velocity is somewhere around the "V Eject" value. Then just like the kerbin - mun tutorial, zoom map view out and look at where the orbits will meet. If you have done everything right, your will see something like the image below. It is entirely possible that the orbits does not connect. Most likely because the parking orbit had too much inclination OR the orbit of your target planet is inclined, eccentric or what not. In that case you have to do mid transfer corrections to connect the transfer. Doing that takes skill and experience but hopefully this system will get your on your way to it is easier to pull that off.
  17. To target another vessel, do one of the following: 1. Press hotkey "1" to enable mouse look and click on the vessel you wish to target. (The range of the lazor has to be longer than the vessel's distance) 2. Using the "Tracking station linkup" system which comes form the blue lazors. This will make it so you can see every vessel etc. in the Target tab. From there just select the vessel and click on the Target button on the bottom of that tab. Using method 2 you can target or track any vessel, celestial body, where ever they may be.
  18. As i have already implemented support for sunbeam in lazor system i would at least like to update sunbeam with the code that will enable it. Sunbeam will work just like you are used to, but when connected to a vessel with lazor on it, it will get some additional control features such as mouse look.
  19. Too futuristic: Yeah it's not much that can be done about that. But just like you don't have to press ctrl-alt-shift-D and enable infinite fuel, you don't have to attach the futuristic/op systems on your vessel. Some of the white subsystems are also just put there because i don't know where else to put them. It will gradually merge into something more sensible, and usefull ;-) hopefully. Too big range: This is actually one of the main features in lazor system. It is the only plugin that makes you see and control things 95km away. It is not without issues though and i'd fix it if i could. (If some ksp dev would listen i have some test cases which cause their client to crash, with or without the range bugs, but it is easier to detect when the range is big of course.) What i can do is reduce the range of some of the systems, but since nobody is saying anything speciffic, i don't know what it is you want shorter range on :/ Red animated button: No! Floating buttons: I have seen the bug and will fix it asap. Split kps: If you knew what i have planned, you'd see why this would not be a great idea
  20. Will get back to you tomorrow on that KospY. Finally after many many many hours of work i got the eliptical hohmann transfer approximation algorithm working. So all of this work went into making the bob's estimate you can see in the screenshot. (the cyan colored line) It is an approximated phase angle when going to planets that has a slightly eccentric orbit. You'd be surpriced how much 0.05 eccentricity makes the regular phase angle (blue line) miss by. I just tested it and i only had to burn for a couple seconds in the direction of duna to intercept it's soi.
  21. I can't remember what we talked about, sorry. But since anything is possible im sure that is possible too =p I spend a lot of time on this mod, thanks for noticing I see what you mean by "it does too many things" and i kinda get that a lot. However this is not really a mod anymore, more like a mod system. Some of the things you can do with the system are flat out op and one day that will change, if i have the will to continue until then ;-) But that said, teleport and tractor beam is here to stay. Do you have any suggestions to make these systems less "cheat"? And by the way, what makes lazor fuel transfer cheaty? Some people may also find the ui to be intimidating at first. I'm willing to change it if i get some suggestions about what to display differently. I may sound negative but don't get me wrong, i really want to make the system more user friendly. You mentioned to make split the system into different parts. I did make a modular system where things can be attached and i do plan on expanding on that and i'm probably going to move some features over to modular parts, it just takes a lot of time and i reguarly find myself stuck in some coding problem. Like just now i have been sitting for days trying to figure out how to make my new orbital calculator more accurate and take elliptical orbits into account..... But anyways, thanks for your suggestions. And i would really like to know if you have suggestions in regards to making the systems less cheaty, etc. Cheers.
  22. Both effect the tractor beam's efficiency. In the case where you are using one tractor beam system to lift a craft. It's weight will be proportional to the amount of tractor beams you need and 2. The more tractor beams you have on a vessel, the harder the controller will have to work in order to keep the craft at altitude. In the case where you have two tractorbeam systems operating. I.e. one system for hovering and another to lift something, both systems will affect eachoter. The total weight of the vessel, craft + lifting load will determine how many beams you need to hover. And the accelleration of the lifting system, will also affect how much the hover system has to work.
  23. I did some tests with this and allthough i have seen this 90 degree bug i couldnt reproduce it. Are you rotating the command pod or something? If you have a stock .craft file please attach it.
  24. I am a huge fan of star trek Thats where i got the idea for the teleportation system. I'll fix the teleport at some point when i am done with the transfer calculator First of all it is probably best if you build your first hover craft in the VAB as it is a lot easier to get the symmetry right. Furthermore the topic has a guide for the tractor beams, but i realize it is probably too vague. Improvements are coming. In short this is how you hover: 1. Create a vessel in the VAB. Command pod + a fuel tank. Place the magenata lazors in groups of 6 on that tank. 2. When on the launchpad, point the lazors at the ground. Hit the hover button and adjust the altitude with the up and down buttons. 3. You can see how much force the beams are putting out on the display at the bottom of the tractor beam panel. If they are at max power, your craft is too heavy and you will need more tractor beams. It is also helpful to use Lazor guided flight in the "retrogee" mode that way your vessel will automatically be facing upwards. Edit: I added some pictures to the topic that shows how to use the hover system.
  25. Eva support does have some limits. In the case of teleportation the maximum teleport-out range is currently slightly over 11km. You may have noticed that this is about the same range the hit markers for lazor vision will go. The reason for the limitation is simply that lazor system use the colliders to detect hits and beyond 11km they seem to be removed by the game engine. The maximum teleport-in range is 95km since this does not require the lazor hitting anything. The reason your kerbal ends up on the ladder is because that is the default teleport-out spot when the lead lazor hits nothing. Teleportation was designed as a means of bringing lost kerbals back to the vessel, either because they had drifted too far away in space, fallen off the plane or walked too far away on a planet. I believe it is possible to make the teleport-out and in have a much longer range. I have added it to my list of things to do but i cant promise when it will be changed.
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