I make a fueltank model in blender 2.82 the i follow the same thing on the wiki.When i run ksp the model and texture work but when i place it it turn out to be like 100 time smaller than the original scale in blender.I looked in the config file the scale is 1.In blender it is like 2 meter cube.In unity it was 100 x 100 y 100 z.i try rescale it 100 time but when i attach it to part it disappear and there is no attach node sphere.here the image of it in blender. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPqRzShVKZMtMfazlaKH7tRVHVmKLC5DVp3ob8FI try import the exported mu from unity to blender and the tank seem to be small as in ksp but i don't know why unity export wrong scale.I use the 2019.2.2f1 the part tool support.Please help