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Everything posted by DerkyJerkyWreaksHavoc

  1. To be honest: Since when does jeb have any "Panic Stages". his "badass" parameter is always set to 11 and no matter how many times you try to kill him with the Dynawing he always shows back on the applicants form 2 hours later. All that panickin' is something Bob Kerman would do. Also am very curious if one Kerbal Flailing about will cause a hoard of Kerbals screaming. Looking very closely at this GIF, i can see that valentina is the one flailing about and i thought to myself "doesn't she have a badass parameter set to on" and guess what i found, SHE DOES. except that her badassness is nothing like Jebidiah's extreme stupidity levels. Looking at the degree for Paul Zimmer, Since when the hell did Washington D.C instantly spawn into Kerbin lol? The developers of these games have amazing imaginations and i appreciate them working so hard (in a pandemic of a virus i shall not name). = CHEAP NASA BUDGET CENTRIFUGE*not responsible for fatalities or damages Oh and to not keep this comment too long i just wanted to say one last thing... GOD SPEED KSP2 -time to sacrifice Kerbals once more, FOR SCIENCE!!!*Handle science responsibly =D @SQUAD @The Doodling Astronaut @Zimm @StrandedonEarth
  2. I am Very happy that 1.10 has come out. Altough i am not ESTATIC about ESA joining the Kerbal universe (100% my opinion) i am SUPER ESTATIC about the Mite and Clydesdale boosters finally making it into gameplay. I play Kerbal Space program Enhanced Edition and the better i get at it, the more there is to the game than i realized. i've played this game for about 2 years now and just recently got the V 1.6 and V 1.7 and i LOVE THESE UPDATES. before 1.6 and 1.7, IT WAS SUPER HARD TO GET AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION ON ROCKET SIZE AND WHAT I SHOULD BUILED BUT THESE TWO UPDATE MAKE IT MUCH MUCH EASIER FOR ME... To the Kerbal Space Program Fans and KSP developers working extremely hard on KSP2 i have one thing to say... GOD SPEED KSP2 =D @SQUAD @UomoCapra #Thanks Squad #Licking Minmus and Falling into Jool #I Hope the squad developers get the chance to read this message #I hope KSP2 doesn't get delayed again Time to sacrifice Kerbals once more, FOR SCIENCE! - DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE
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