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Le Lynx

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Everything posted by Le Lynx

  1. I have problem of stability with the Ariane 5.
  2. @SlowSpoke if you take sample in the sea with a kerbal in EVA, you take a water sample.
  3. For Layte, principaly. And the others planet with seas.
  4. How have you make the cable? KAS?
  5. Welcome on the best forum ever!
  6. In my new video, i have land on the Mun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRNVIhSXAYg
  7. Le Lynx

    Hello All

    Hi, and welcome!
  8. I have put my first asteroid in high kerbin orbit.
  9. Je ne me souviens pas, mais après la 1.11, beaucoup de gens disent cela, pas nécessairement dans un fil séparé. Dans the discussion post of "Some reassembly required" for exemple. After 1.11 release, lot of people are say that not necessarily in a separate thread. In the chat thread, for exemple. oh, I'm sorry, I have do a little error.... Why I can't edit?
  10. I have make a new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7gXpr2tauc
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