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Everything posted by jastrone

  1. so in ksp2 we will have skins wich is pretty cool but i would like some more customization than that. ofen in ksp 1 there are parts that just dont fit such as coms and science modules. it would be nice if some parts that are really different from other parts had some different variants that had less color or a different shapes completely.
  2. the thing is that you dont want to release a beta to early either. there are many games that where more popular during beta than the actual release because it took so long to finnish. but it would be cool if they released a beta with just kerbin and the mun for free wich would also work as a free demo fo the game. also with no docking. it has everything needed to find buggs and you can try the game. this could be released maybe a few months before ksp2
  3. granted, nothing changed because he has one. i wish this entire thread was about (STORMPILOTkerbalkind's) profile pic
  4. granted, you can not breathe there since air molekules are to big to be breatheble and you die. i wish for the wishes here came true
  5. granted. you have to stay one hour extra per day in scool to regain all the lost time of homework. i wish i knew everything
  6. granted the ussr nukes everything i wish to go back in time and poisson some guys hot cocoa with some poison that smells like almonds.
  7. granted. ill use it for you right now i wish for dirt
  8. granted. the snow smelts because of the high heat and you drown in boiling water. i whish for the best gaming pc ever created
  9. granted. its very annoying and all it does is follow you around i wish for this not to become horribly corrupted.
  10. granted. Elon musk takes you on a ride on a rocket and it explodes i wish wii 2 gets released with ksp 2 on it
  11. granted. the rules are exactly the same and buying a chess board is now a little more expensive as it comes with a dice. i wish for ksp 2 to get finnished right now
  12. granted, the grammatic rules where changed so that misspelling is correct
  13. banned for unrealistic spaceflight movie refference
  14. on the ksp 1 forums there are multiple different "tabs" for example development disscussion and challenges and mission ideas. i think the ksp2 forum should also be like this and one for disscussion and on for suggestions for now the posts here are just mixed.
  15. i'd really like more part variants or structural parts for spacestations
  16. granted you wish this for you but the wish does not come true because you wished for a wish not for it to come true. i wish for people to stop forgetting to wish
  17. granted you have re-read my previous post and realize, that it's okay with wishes, because it was repeating the previous wish, just getting into details. but you have to stop arguing in this forum. i wish for a nice car i
  18. it would be really interesting with inside of cockpits to actualy be usable. so for example if you just want an airplane to go on kerbin you can choose to not have life suport so that its lighter or cheaper.
  19. Granted. you will work for the rest of your life. i wish for the soviet union to be reastablished.
  20. steel is a compound between iron and carbon so iron is a thing since both iron and oxygen is a thing i think that is likely that mars is the same as duna
  21. so i was reading the ksp wiki a while ago and saw that eves oceans where made of the in game liquid explodium. and then i realised how little materials are mensioned in ksp. heres a list of all materials i can think of(will expand if someone else knows anything else): *water(not sure but kerbins oceans have the exact same density as water) *explodium(eve's oceans) *oxygen(oxidiser fuel and rust on duna) *xenom(fuel) *helium(kerbol) *carbon(found at launchpad) *iron(steel in parts and on duna) *aluminium(part description *tin(part description) *salt(lake on laythe) i will update this list if you find any more materials and tell me in comments.
  22. so a few parts in ksp has different variants that you can choose so that they look different. im suprised thisisnt the case for most structural parts. the strut blocks looks so eird in spacecrafts it would be better if they had a round variant and an other variant with a cover so you cant see through it. and all connector parts with one placement thing on each side looks so weird in bases because they dont have a white variant. it would also be cool if solar panels had a "golden" variant like the really old sattelites.
  23. I think the current docking system is quite good because i dont want to spend long time aligning my ship. i would really like snapping to dockingports tho
  24. i tink bases that are made with parts would be what the colony is built upon. so that you would kinda need a base to make a colony. i also tink normal spacestations and bases should have more use such as a way to generate money or maybe even be able to fabricate small parts.
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