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Everything posted by OrdinaryKerman

  1. 1024 rep, yay!

    First attempt at making a status update btw, so apologies if its heading is totally meaningless

  2. No. @ColdJ again @iamn00b sorry for coming late
  3. Has anybody else had an issue where light animations turn on on flight scene load even when it's not dark? Seems to affect any static using the AnimateOnSunRise module. (The ones I've been able to check are from Kerbinside Remastered, OSSNTR, and my own static (a house).) Haven't really taken screenshots of this because I tend not to screenshot annoying things, but I think got at least 1 occasion (sorry for the scribbling and Comic Sans-like font)
  4. Banned for pfp kerbal doing a slightly weird pose
  5. Any reason why search results are limited to 1 page?
  6. What exactly needs to be updated? Also absences of a a month or two aren't really anything strange in KSP modding
  7. Good (insert time of day) to you @ColdJ @iamn00b hope you aren't too busy
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