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Status Updates posted by Rakete

  1. Hello Matt,

    In one of your latest videos (the one with the ssto carrying two mini sats to orbit) you use a nice mod, that gives the rapiers a nice plume. You called it "wutible mod" or something like that. I can't find it due to my wrong spelling as a not-native-speaker. Can you tell me where to get it and whats the correct spelling?

    Also: what other visual mods have you installed? I never saw clouds in such a great visual effect as in your video. What did you install from where and how did you configure it? I'm no expert in KSP-Modding.


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rakete


      You are right. Wrong place. The initial question was addressed to Matt, that's why the topic stranded here. :-) (sorry, Matt!) I thought he'd answer. I didn't expect to summon more guys nor did I expect the thing to develop into a conversation. (sorry again!) But thanks to you all.

      And thanks to Matt for his videos. They are really inspiring.

    3. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      I think its called Water Fall. 

    4. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      I do like your new SSTO design @Matt Lowne. However, I think it could really useful as an MK3 or MK2 size SSTO, But thoses storage bays could store small landers for gilly, pol, bop, or eeloo. The SSTO has a lot and lot of potential. It just needs to be um. Cultivated? The right way. 

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