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Status Updates posted by Spaceman.Spiff

  1. Happy New Year everyone!

    1. tillyd


      yo space, kitten says hi

    2. Spaceman.Spiff
  2. Happy New Year Everyone!

    At 12:00AM, 1 Year ago, I joined the forum!

    It’s been a great year of KSP, and I look forward to many more!

  3. Merry Christmas all!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :D

  5. To those of you who can today, go vote!

    1. adsii1970


      I vote that Little Caesar's Pizza is NOT real pizza.

  6. I have survived a plane trip and got some cool aerial photos! We happened to pass over Cape Canaveral. 



  7. I am now lifeguard certified!

  8. Oh good they changed back the weirdness. 

  9. D  O  T

    D  O  T

    D  O  T

    D  O  T

    D  O  T

    1. Stormpilot


      It’s the number of D O T S he has which shows how many post he has posted

      Though if this is Morse code he is saying SI

  10. A very nice sunset picture. 
    Happy Fourth once again!


  11. Happy Fourth of July!

  12. 5 dots grow ever nearer

  13. Ugh for the past few days I have had a cold. First time I have been sick in a loooong time. 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spaceman.Spiff


      God forbid I’d be that incapacitated!:joy:

    3. Stormpilot


      I just went on a walk (for a bout an hour) and I regret not taking water. Canada just hit a new heat record (mostly here in BC) and it was something like 45 degrees centigrade. That’s a lot for Canada. Anyhow I got really nauseous and probably got dehydrated. Anyhow hope you get better :)

  14. I have the same reputation as the year Apollo 11 launched!

    funny number haha

  15. That launch was AMAZING!!!! 
    Solid rocket motors really do go BRRRRRRRR. 

    RIP Minotaur 1

  16. oof. 
    Liftoff pushed to 9:35


    in the mean time let’s go see some ponies! (That’s sort of assateague’s whole deal other than rockets)

    1. Stormpilot


      Huh what liftoff? Am I missing something?

    2. Spaceman.Spiff


      Just happened!

      Minotaur 1 launch out of Wallops!

  17. I wonder if we will see any comments on the final update from @HarvesteR

    1. Guest


      He hasn't been active in five years

  18. My goodness!

    6 months on the forums went by in a flash! I'm looking forward to many more!

    1,820 rep

    1,275 posts

    1. Stormpilot


      Say just back in March I just passed two years on the forums. Soon I’ll pass 2 1/2 years.

  19. You have 1,000 reputations!!!!

  20. What an excellent day! I have reached the significant milestone of 1,000 reputation. 

    Such a coincidence that this happens on the date of my birth. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kerminator K-100
    3. Spaceman.Spiff


      2.8x increase after one revolution around the sun. 

  21. can people hold off on the liking until tomorrow? :P

    That's the day I want to hit 1,000

  22. O M G



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spaceman.Spiff


      it is based on how many (non-lounge) posts you have

    3. Lo.M


      Congratulations!!! :D

      And I recently won 3 points! :D:cool:


    4. Lewie
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