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Admiral Fluffy

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Posts posted by Admiral Fluffy

  1. 3 hours ago, kspnerd122 said:

    this last point makes almost 0 sense, if you are talking about tidal locking, that's not how it works, the moon still rotates but its orbital period is the same as its rotation period, so 1 face always points at it, if a planet basically doesn't rotate, all parts of that see the sun and there is no static terminator, also, to get that type of planet you need a red dwarf, which are super nasty, flare constantly, and that flaring and dimming tends to very quickly strip an atmosphere off

    What kerlon_kersk is talking about is an Eyeball Planet.
    I think I read somewhere that if it had a strong enough Magnetic Field, it could keep an atmosphere, and possibly even oceans.  A habitable world like that is possible, and with the bucket loads of red dwarves there are  IRL, one should exist somewhere. I would presume this is true in the Kerbal universe as well.


  2. 1 hour ago, Nuke said:

    im one of those people who enjoy youtube videos about the isv venture star more than the movie actual. 

    Don't know if you've seen this one. 

    I haven't seen the movie, I just care about the cool looking human vehicles.



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