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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. I snuck in to your aircaft carrier mech when you tried to bury me. My Cookie, My Hill, My Mech.
  2. Banned for not sitting down and resting with plenty of water.
  3. Mostly true. Would Peahen butter upset vegetarians? (Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer.)
  4. Banned for the urge to be mental.
  5. I came, I saw, I kicked it's Asteroid. Hello @StrandedonEarth
  6. You are trying to win through flattery. Cheater!
  7. Here you are. One metal oaf. I want a venusian milkshake with a side of belt fries please.
  8. Jeb's SRB team used up as SRB fuel when going to space.
  9. When you now how to unscramble an egg using precise cuts with a laser.
  10. You forget what thread you are in.
  11. -30 Have a good one. Alas we have a new page. As one chapter ends, a new one begins. Such is the turning of the wheel of life.
  12. Tested a new engine by flying to Hoth.
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