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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. Been working on improving the look of the Falcon.
  2. Ok. Here is a copy of "Where is Wally". I would like a meatball pizza please.
  3. When you know who Penny, Leonard and Sheldon are.
  4. Always being the last to post on a thread before it dies.
  5. When you read:- This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one. And then post it.
  6. Flying, is merely forgetting to hit the ground. - Douglas Adams
  7. ColdJ


    This thread has been Expunged.
  8. Jeb saw the sands of Duna and wondered if you could shoot a Tatooine scene there?
  9. Calvin and Hobbes rescue. My Cookie.
  10. Too Ex-pence-ive for you. What does the magic 8 ball say?
  11. It will say to it. "I don't think your ready for this Jelly"
  12. Kerbal Space Pagan is the best pocket stimulator game of all time (Rip the Voyag
  13. Hiding your true cartoon face from the forum. Cheater.
  14. @Angel-125 When I made my E.M.V.U (spacewalk chair) recently, I wasn't aware that a quality one already existed. Then I saw your pic in Mission Reports. I assume from the proffessional look that it is one of yours. Could you say which mod it is from please?
  15. 10/10 Taylor Swift's PR team.
  16. Floor 2539: As you walk into a "Blank Space" a blonde lady says to you "You Need To Calm Down", "Look What You Made Me Do". "Me"? you say. You feel yourself getting "Red" so you "Shake it Off" and start to head up to the next floor. "Are You Ready For It"?
  17. No. That would be TUAY. When you get high rep then it is rare for someone to have that ratio. TUBM likes to sing to themself and change the lyrics to suit the situation.
  18. Granted: You now have a bunch of Blitzmen in a nice bouquet. I wish to know which wish in this thread is the most interesting?
  19. You are an ok dude so that might be granted. TUBM will remember to type the name of the thread they are referencing in brackets at the bottom of their post. (The User Below Me)
  20. Waiter: It is parked outside. You are going to need an auto electrician, it is also not edible. Customer: There is a Supermarionette swimming in my soup.
  21. Hello @Nazalassa and @BlackMesaSurvivor Oh hey look, @Kerbal Productions could have said "Oh hey look, new page" but instead said. So sad. From now on I will think of them as Swifty. (or, The Artist Formely Known as Taylor Swift.)
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