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Everything posted by ColdJ

  1. I knew I had good reason to like you Good age and wisdom. For me it is my bicep that I aim for. There is usually a sleave covering it, which lessens the chance of any getting away.
  2. @JoeSchmuckatelli Have you considered foregoing programming and instead using a hobby car remote and hobby car servos in conjunction with the Lego?
  3. @Spacescifi Ok based on the original post you put, there is an assumption that we need to get rid of. Not all adult men are the same or do the same things. The world is made up of individuals, some of those are bad or atleast unthinking in their actions. Based on the fact that you observed the bad behaviour I am going to assume you are male. You don't do what that man did and again I will assume that (like me) find it disgusting behaviour. Do you really think that as you grow older you will one day hit an age where you suddenly start doing what that man did just because you are older? I have seen stuff left in public toilets that will make want to vomit, and I have never understood why some people will do such things. So simply. Lumping people together based on their physical attributes is a bad way to approach things. There is a reason why we have the expression "Don't judge a book by it's cover" If you have to judge people, judge the individual by how they act and treat others, never by gender, age, race, orientation etc.
  4. Chef: Why is that waiter in your soup? Customer:Because they were snappish with me before so I thought I'd have fish soup.
  5. Banned for sitting down at a Ban and asking the Ban tender for a Ban on the rocks as you listen to the live Banned.
  6. I would go with auto on. Can you please tell me how you get the textures you have created to show up on the 3D model in Blender/BforArtists2? My way involves, clicking texture project in the UV menu then the "project" sub option in that option and then undo because the sub makes it change the UV map to "what you see", then turn off the texture project and voila, the texture shows up when I go to texture view.
  7. About to go look in your thread. You ask a moderator nicely. If they can't delete it then they may just lock it.
  8. Only if you dropped it in a lake. Why is it we have an orbit of thousands of satellites but no Moon base?
  9. No. I love any animal that will love me back. TUBM can empathise with others and understand how they feel.
  10. Using the valley as a mold I freeze the water, turn the world upside down and give it a good tap release my cast and then place my new Ice mountain range down. My Ice Mountain Hills.
  11. Waiter: Here you are sir, one boiling hot soda. Customer: Ice water for me thanks.
  12. As to your pic. It depends on how you treat the idea of the soul and of course the way in which you teleport things. If you believe the soul is locked to the born body then probably, If you believe we are unique because of the exact putting together of molecules in a specific, very complex pattern. Then if the teleportation method takes an exact and precise scan, rips you apart in to all your individual molecules, sends that in a matter stream and builds you back using the exact same molecules in the exact same positions then probably no. If it instead takes a precise scan and only sends the data to a receiver that builds you out of a repository of molecular ingredients and in so doing the point at which you were scanned rips you apart to top up its repositry then definitely. It is like the internet. The pic I see is not the pic you saw. What we all see on line is what our browsers and computers build from the data that is being sent to them, so nobody ever actually sees the original pic unless they are the ones who made it. While you were distacted I 3D printed out my cookie from your teleporters data buffer.
  13. Banned because I am off to get some sleep. Goodnight @AtomicTech
  14. What a tangled pretzel we weave, when first we practice to deceive, My Cookie.
  15. Waiter: Here you go, a cherry, a jelly and a fish. Customer: Why is the fish swimming in my bowl?
  16. No parking cops in space. So Ferb, what are we going to do today? Hey, where's Perry?
  17. Apples to Apples, Dates to Dates. My valley of the fruit.
  18. The one true cookie will always return. Westoron, Westoros? Lord of the Thrones. I sit upon the Cookie Throne. Forged from all the cookies of those I have defeated. I think Nazalassa is hiding in the bushes, waiting to pounce on my cookie?
  19. Did you get this worked out? I import in a model that already has the set up required and then change my models materials to the imported ones. Get rid of the import and then rename the material and the pointed to textures to my own. I still haven't worked out how to make ones I build myself in Shading, save properly. The E.M.U.V chair I just built uses the stock pods emissives as a starting point, so that textures light up when you turn on the lights. You have your main texture pic and then your emissive pic should be near black in the areas that don't light up and brighter in the areas that do. I also just used the foil tanks as a materials starting point in order to get my new Nose Cone Cargo Pods to have a shiny metal look. By the way, how do you get the texture to show up on your model in the editor? My way feels convoluted and I am sure their must be a simpler method.
  20. I sent you a new link with the latest. Are you saying that SandCastle can build my E.M.U.V chair?
  21. When you go to check your cookie, you find you actually have a chocolate egg instead. Still my cookie.
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