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Posts posted by Watermel00n

  1. 7 hours ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

    Beyond is excited to announce its newest commercial partners: SkyFall Industries and CalSpace! They have submitted two modules for Kerman. SkyFall has presented us with their Centrifuge Module, and CalSpace has presented us their Habitat and Power Utility Module (HPUM). Together, these modules will expand Kerman Station, and turn it into a huge powerhouse and testbed of some of the most advanced technology ever conceived! Beyond sends a huge thank you to @SkyFall2489 Kerman and @TwoCalories Kerman for their submissions!

    Welcome SkyFall and CalSpace to the team! We wish you better luck than us, like the time our RBS crashed on its second flight. Speaking of which, we haven't seen it in a while...

  2. On 10/7/2023 at 5:16 PM, theJesuit said:

    I've thought that myself.  It would be cool.  The only way I can think of is to make it SO VERY EXPENSIVE so that you only want to harvest it or produce it off world.

    New plugin idea for me to make instead of working on my part mod...

  3. Hey everyone, I'd like to share an idea I've had for over a year. It's simple: KSP but you have to build the civilisation  before you leave kerbin. I know it's extremely complex and stuff, but i would like y'all to share your thoughts on this mod idea. Could we make this happen? If you guys are really into making this happen I can start a discord server for it...

  4. 36 minutes ago, Xaned Kerman said:


    You may want to say which mods are not updated.

    As a side note, I've seen some of your reminders to update mods, which might come off as rude to some people. Remember that mods are a gift, given for free, and mod authors have no obligation to update any mods. It may seem easy until you try doing it yourself.

    It seems that many of the mods you asked for updates are limited by the CKAN installation system. Try manual installation as it does not require version checks.

    Lastly, many mod creators already know they need to update a mod, but they are absent, or life gets in the way. Commanding them to update a mod will not do anything. Believe me, I've tried.

    Don't worry, even if you're new to the forums, you'll find a way to fit in. Perhaps in a few months, this hole you dug for yourself will just be another memory.

  5. On 10/3/2023 at 1:53 PM, Alex Verb said:

    By taking time for acceleration (I've considered as linear). Do you need the full formula?

    I didn't take in account the Kerbin daily rotation. So precision is not quite good.


    Well, I think we also can just deorbit  as land start is not required for the challenge.

    You could use a hyperbolic trajectory if you wanted...

  6. I'll just dump my stuff here to keep me motivated. (discord link)

    Watermel00n Planet Pack

    An upcoming system replacement mod starting from an asteroid homeworld.



    The homeworld, Geode, is a 200 km wide asteroid with a closely orbiting moon which is 120 km in size. Geode orbits its home star as a trailing trojan behind Aeola.



    Trroda - Orange Dwarf Star

    Frustum - Hot Jupiter gas giant with moon system

    Aeola - Methane Ocean world with small islands and small moons

    Geode - Small asteroid with close-orbiting moon

    Quadromp - Cubular asteroid which orbits near Geode. Orbits may bring the two asteroid close together at times

    Derrum-Ingrit - Binary kerbin-sized planets with no atmosphere and icy terrain. Derrum is the larger one with rocky terrain and volcanic activity. Ingrit is icy and smoother than Derrum.

    Figikirikler - Captured comet with fancy rings.



    Uh... i don't know i'm bad at making planets...



    Large Structural Components Expanded


    Structural parts and connectors for usage on space stations and orbital vehicles. Originally by @udk_lethal_d0se . Also included, Hexagonal Trusses and Fuel Tanks by @SpeedyB!

    DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/Watermel00n/Large-Structural-Components-Expanded/releases/tag/0.10.0

    Requires: B9PartSwitch ModuleManager



    - Structural Crew connector tubes complete with airlocks

    - Station hubs

    - Pallet and box storage system

    - Hex Truss segments

    - Hex Truss crew tubes, cabins, fuel tanks, SAS and Docking Ports



    Release soon. I don't know when, but soon.




    Simple, lightweight, parts & plugin for deep sea mining gameplay in KSP!



    - Submarine Ballast Tanks

    - Impellers and Water intakes

    - Crusher and Explodium burner



    - New ore type, Sedimentary Ore, that can be found in Laythe's and Kerbin's Oceans. These can be broken apart with the Crusher to form massive amounts of Ore to be converted.

    - New ore type, Solidified Explodium, that can be in Eve's Oceans. This can be converted to Liquid Fuel or burnt in the Explodium Burner.



    Release after LTUtils probably.


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