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Posts posted by Watermel00n

  1. Ok this is just a dumb idea I'll surprised if anyone can actually do this.


    Circumnavigate any body with atmosphere or on ground before the song Around the World by daft punk ends. No landing is needed and you can use any number of stages

    additional rules:

    Phys-warp only up to 4x speed

    Short jumps are ok

    no going underground and stuff

    every engine is ok to use (including propellers and other motorized transportation)

    Kraken drives and KAL glitches are a-ok

    Try to stay in a straight line

    ok bye

  2. 2 hours ago, RevanX_LSR said:

    If downloading LSR v1.1.0, there is a fatal error that fails to load the game in the menu. Please change the VertexHeightMap of Neo in LSR/Bodies/Neo.cfg  from LSR/PluginData/109030_020.dds to LSR/PluginData/109030_02.dds at line 335. Apologies for any inconvienence caused.

    If downloading LSR v1.1.0, there is a non-fatal but severe error that fails to load Revan's PQSMaterial. Please change the PQSMaterial of Revan in LSR/Bodies/Revan.cfg from BUILTIN/grass.dds to LSR/PluginData/grass.dds at line 423 and BUILTIN/grassNRM.dds to LSR/PluginData/grassNRM.dds at line 427.  Apologies for any more inconvienence caused.

    Why don't you just publish a hot fix 

  3. 0.18.0 "Work 'em harder"

    Added new Module LT_BicycleSeat

    • Can be used on any part with ModuleGenerator and KerbalSeat
    • When used, forces the generator to only work when there is a kerbal in the seat.

    Changes to Module LT_KerbalSensor (thanks, @linuxgurugamer for the suggestion!)

    • New field crewNeeded (need not be an integer)
    • Only requires the crewNeeded number of kerbals to operate the generator. These kerbals must be in the part.



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