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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. I think Kerbals are fungi-melon hybrids, with... What the heck is THAT on my Kerbal? Spinach? Watermelon? Kiwano?
  2. Floor 2346: It seems like this floor has twice as many toilets than the previous.
  3. And sadly @ColdJ melts due to summer temperatures. P.S: The object to destroy is the temperature. P.S 2: It would be nice to have kerbals melon-fungi hybrids... We should have a topic for that!
  4. [WAITER] Yeah, it's a superdinner with tons of servings of SRB. [ME] Waiter, there's a SRB turning around in my soup!
  5. Fun fact: something actually ruined the mission, it was the ground anchors popping off the ground. Also, ice camp melts. I go to Bop to awaken the Kraken to get help for King of the Hill and Steal the Cookie.
  6. Garfield eats the giant cookie and I replace it with a hill made out of rocket parts. My rocket parts hill
  7. Garfield eat the giant cookie and I replace it with a hill made out of rocket parts. My rocket parts hill
  8. Granted, and it looses energy and momentum and dives into the Sun. I wish this to happen: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1759189883740586227/9530B5A74D073B6252FDD7705D038C0DB909EE20/?imw=1024&imh=768&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true (the rover is Perseverance, btw)
  9. I drink the hot melon soup and it's... Kerbal. P.S: Why melon?
  10. And it burns due to the oxidizer I get a Minmus base to Minmus and I strap it. on the ground wit 10 (!) ground anchors.
  11. Hey, I like your implication in the forum games!
  12. The rollback maintenance procedure is accused of Flat Kerbinist and it's undone. My hill in the plains
  13. Granted, but it's corrupted by the server. I wish KSP to be better.
  14. No, it's named Navigateur Web Google. Do you like the old KSP parts (like in 0.15)?
  15. I slightly modify ColdJ.cfg and Nazalassa.cfg so the cookie is mine. My cookie
  16. [WAITER] That's normal, you didn't ask for anything. [ME] Waiter, there's a basilic in my soup!
  17. I destroy the debris of the asteroid and claim a random hill as my hill. My hill
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