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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Gimbal engine gets a gimbal angle of 90° and throws its FX on you. Yeah, you were warned.
  2. Because the students blew some of the buildings since its creation. Why did Jeb eat iced eggs?
  3. I said that the program was deleted. My cookie. Wait, there's two cookies?
  4. INFINITE ocean. There's a Sea Kraken. It emerges. It's like a hill. My Kraken-hill
  5. Why did the chicken cross the road moebius strip?
  6. With a flyin' Kraken part that can attach to parts like an Advanced Garbage Unit and bring you everywhere?
  7. Because I want to be light and not heavy. Wait, Sirius IS light??? I got a dilemma. Should I be Sirius?
  8. [WAITER] It's to remind you the old days. [ME] Waiter, there's @Souptime with me! (Technically, you're in the same restaurant as me.) (I think.) (I may be wrong.) (or not?) (We'll see.)
  9. My cookie Edited just now by Nazalassa That dumb thing removed some text! I do it, with -user:ffx then I delete the program. My cookie.
  10. I perform a topological inversion on the world, and there's now a single island with a single hill on it in the middle of an infinite sea with infinite depth (yes I like it ). Then I save the game and edit persistent.sfs so the following parameters can't be changed: oceanDepth=inf, maxIslandNum=1, maxHillPerIsland=1, canDestroyHill=false, canTerraformPlanet=false, canMovePlanets=false. And I delete all the save files other than persistent.sfs, which I burn on the hard disk of the computer. No one can undo this, because I emptied the trash before leaving. My island-hill, alone on the sea
  11. That's HyperRogue? Floor 2429: You find a middle-aged Kerbal playing HyperRogue. That would explain floor 2427.
  12. Mmm, Microsoft should really fix microsoft.exe. @Watermel00n?
  13. Nonono, it's about the magic plane and the manas of the world of Armyllia which i invented and should become public when I'd finish my fantasy story in it (featuring magic) (no it's not Lord of the Rings or anything from Tolkien). Anyway that's not rocket.
  14. Yeah, if you have magic you HAVE to have an idea to make it realistic e.g in HP they don't say how magic works, they just show it. So I have an idea for magic, but it's totally not about science and space so I won't show you.
  15. Ah, there's been a problem. Microsoft.exe has stopped working. @linuxgurugamer, are you on Linux?
  16. But it's a dream and when we wake up we're back on the endless sea. My empty sea with infinite depth (means no floor for volcanoes etc)
  17. But the last version of MM is buggy and you have a coolie instead of a cookie. My cookie
  18. You've read The Discworld.
  19. After a six-month journey to Mars: Man, I realize I reeeeeally need to go to the toilets. Of course, the whole planet would be watching (and hearing) me. And since I don't know how to turn off the camera and the micro, going to the toilets will be very hard
  20. Each time you lose a part, either because the ship on it mysteriously disappeared as a result of going too deep in atmosphere or because it exploded, you need to watch an individual kerbalized ceremony for that specific part (with a coffin with a big flag on it being walked all around the KSC) and there's another tombstone in the KSC graveyard.
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