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Everything posted by Nazalassa

  1. Here is the drag flag! Well, it's more like a drag wheel, but whatever. As per @Lt_Duckweed's advice, I have added a small cargo bay at the bottom of the craft, and put a wheel in it - the small, steerable, no-brakes one. Why? It has a crash tolerance of 325 m/s, and previous tests, made with less crash-resistant parts, always ended with said part 'splashing down hard and [being] destroyed'. I'm pretty confident that the wheel is resistant enough. Also, it added more weight to the rover, even with the removal of the front and lower armor (there are already "Mantis claws" on the front, and to lower armor kept exploding when it would've been useful, and isn't really needed). Weight now: 2.012 tons. I have to shave some mass if I want to keep it within 2 tons. Edit - Getting rid of one unneeded battery brought the mass back to 1.992 tons. Good. Here seen in action: Safely touched down
  2. The cfg might be like: HUDReplacerTextColor { // Generic text colors greenText = #004000 lightGreenText = #008000 // See shades of green in screenshot from difficulty settings, the 5 buttons on top orangeText = #804000 blueText = #000080 limeText = #004080 whiteText = #000000 greyText = #505050 barText = #0000ff // For text in the green bars, like in a PAW or in the 'Resources' tab redText = #800000 PerElement { // Keys are internal element names, overrides generic colors elementName = #ffffff elementName2 = #808080 } } The PerElement section (or whatever you call it) allows modders to specify a color for certain named element, such as a specific button, etc. Maybe also add a PerCategory section? Like for green-colored text on buttons.
  3. Since this thread seems to be some kind of repository for dragless stuff, I'm adding this extra bit of dragless science about making "drag flags":
  4. Out of curiosity, how did you make a working "drag flag"? I'm trying to make one for one of my ships but robotics don't seem to work, and the rest of the parts refuse to deploy while "stowed" in the ship.
  5. @UltraJohn I finally got out of procrastination and took the following lot of screenshots showing where the text is colorized. (that is like everywhere where there is text.) Maybe it would be good for mods to be able to specify only, for example, a 'green-replacing color', which is used with all the texts that are in green; and so on for each different color. List of places I could possibly think of which have text: And since we can already recolor stuff, it may be good to be able to set opacity on some elements (as per past request) (including, too, the staging). Also, do you think it would be possible to change the font?
  6. [imagemap name=totm]https://codeberg.org/Nazalassa/randomness/raw/branch/main/sig/totm[/imagemap][map=totm][area=0,0,112,32]https://xkcd.com[/area][area=0,32,112,64]https://explainxkcd.com[/area][/map] Ah doesn't work
  7. Will add a drag flag. If set then there is some drag (ex. for not going too fast downwards underwater). If unset there won't be drag.
  8. For convenience, I have created a git repository on Codeberg to put all the things I have done since the beginning of this thread. Link: https://codeberg.org/Nazalassa/KALlogic
  9. N 32 @AtomicTech sorry to ping you again on this, but the graphs I have made have been moved to somewhere else: there now is a git repository, hosted at Codeberg, which contains scripts and data to make such graphs, as well as graphs themselves. The main post will, once again, have to be updated. The locations of the images themselves can be found with the following: https://codeberg.org/Nazalassa/numberwar-graphs/raw/branch/main/<x>/<vert,horiz>/<n> for battle graphs, where <x> is the number of the Numbwe War (in our case, '3'); <vert,horiz> is either 'vert' or 'horiz', depending on whether you want your graph vertical or horizontal (resp.); and <n> is the number of the battle (starting at 1). https://codeberg.org/Nazalassa/numberwar-graphs/raw/branch/main/<x>/<n>000 for segment graphs, that is, graphs that go from post 1 to 1000, 1001 to 2000, etc. <x> is as above. <n> is the number of the segment (starting at 0) which gives the posts between <n>001 and <n+1>000. For example, .../3/0000 is the first 1000 posts of this Number War, .../3/1000 are the next 1000 posts, and so on. The repository itself is at https://codeberg.org/Nazalassa/numberwar-graphs. The entire War (well, the first 23,000 posts) is currently contained in the following:
  10. N 28 To anyone who want to know about my graphs: The graphs I made until now will be momentarily unavailable. They will come back soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  11. You can use imgur or any other web hosting service to upload the image, then right-click on it, click 'copy image link', and then paste the link in your post.
  12. Well, it seems I'm never happy of my designs, and often want to change them to add and change things. Good thing I only went a sixth of Kerbin before now. When travelling with the KAN-KAN II, I noticed quite a lot of problems with it. First, it's absolutely not crash- and jump-resistant. Also not very speed-resistent. Then, the wheels are not shielded from drag, thus hurting underwater performance quite a lot (speed divided by 6). And then, it's quite heavy, with more than 6 tons. And then... I'll stop there. So, I started doing experiments again: 1. It looks like 2.5m service bays are big enough to shield rover wheels, but not 1.25m service bays. => I'll use that instead. 2. These service bays unfortunately have a low crash tolerance. => Put some armor on it. 3. The wheelbase has to be quite small. => There's nothing more reaction wheels can't handle. 4. Issues with steep slopes, especially brutal slope transitions. => @King of Nowhere's "Mantis claws" are an excellent solution. I guess there's no problem I use them. 5. The KAN-KAN II has a removable docking port (by EVA construction). => Add a dragless docking port attached to the engine plate. 6. Drag issues. => Make everything dragless. I came up with the following rover (namely named the KAN-KAN III), which satisfies all the above points: The armor is made of MH GPS-025 Grip Strips which have a crash tolerance of 80 m/s, much better than the service bay's 9m/s. The ones at the top are for falling upside-down, and there are four on the bottom as well, for falling upright. The protocol for dangerous situation is thus: quickly use the reaction wheels to get upside-down or, if that cannot be done, to get upright. There are four more for the sides but they are pretty much useless since they don't protect much. It has been tested by dropping the rover from 50m, 100m on the runway. Guaranteed to work as advertised. On the front you can see the "Mantis claws" which have a crash tolerance of 125 m/s. of course, they are dragless. Tested on the runway, 100% approved. Inside the can are the two seats (at the front) and the batteries (at the back). There are two RTGs above the batteries. The two reaction wheels are hidden by the wheels. Total part count is 38 in 1.944 tons. Testing have been made and here are the results: Minmus: Excellent. The rover can reach speeds up to 60 m/s. Very maneuverable. Gilly: Excellent. Managed to reach 40 m/s before getting flung out on an escape trajectory at the top of a slope. Also very maneuverable. Tylo (other side of the spectrum): Excellent. Almost reached 100 m/s. Some parts exploded but they were just grip strips from the lower / frontal armor so nothing bad. "Mantis claws" survived. Handles jumps very well. Able to turn at 80 m/s at a decent angular speed. Some notes on driving: At high speeds wheels absolutely don't want to turn. That has to be done through SAS and reaction wheels, and works very well. It is quite handy to set the SAS to Prograde () while the rover is roving. No SAS makes it very unstable. If it begins to shake too hard, deactivate SAS, then reactivate it. The main attitude issue with rovers is that the ground is not always with the same orientation. This means the usual SAS approach is not very useful. The two axes the SAS has to do with (from the rover's perspective, with a forwards-facing control point) are 1. roll (lateral inclination) which the SAS ignores, good for us; and 2. pitch (forwards inclination), which is a little trickier. But the rover's always going to go parallel to the ground. So setting the SAS to Prograde makes it follow the pitch of the ground. Problem solved. Prograde SAS still has to be switched off when turning with the reaction wheels, to avoid undesired shaking afterwards. Prograde SAS is very good at handling jumps. Either they are short enough the rover doesn't nosedive, and it survives (proof: 13m high on Tylo), or they are long enough there is time to change the rover's orientation to something more survivable. Some modifications have also been made, like a wider and slightly longer wheelbase. The wheels stick out of the sides now. Screenshots:
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