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  • About me
    Trying to make a rocket fly like a plane!
  • Location
    Osaka, JP

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  1. There may or may not have been a slight oopsie in the construction of my polar orbit space station... tHuNdErBiRdS tO tHe rEsCuE- Back to the drawing board on this design.
  2. I deorbited a bunch of random craft cluttering up Kerbin and spent an hour removing space junk because I was experiencing the Kessler effect.
  3. The concrete grows cracks. Plant Hill.
  4. I attempted to set up my Thrustmaster joystick to use in KSP. Current casualty count: 129 130 Flight roster: 128 seat space tourism crashed into Kerbin Hiryuu Kerman crashed into Oxygen Tank Macden Kerman crashed into Administration
  5. 0/10 Machines can't use Venmo I am human because I mkae speling misteaks.
  6. 4/10 Egregriously blatant spelling mistake
  7. Note: this mission report begins immediately after the first launch to construct the Snack Accelerator. If there was an opportunity waiting for you across hundreds of light-years of the void of space, would you reach out and take it? Minmunth 23, 442. A Kerbal astronomer, peering through his telescope, notices a planet around another star. Being a Kerbal, of course, Doodbin Kerman immediately set out on a quest to reach it. He designed a ship: the Snack Accelerator. Of course, living the Kerbal equivalent of the Industrial Revolution, he couldn't do much about it. 250 years later, though, Jebediah Kerman, digging through an old archive, found his plan and began to work. On the 252nd anniversary of the designing of the Snack Accelerator, the first module flew into space. Aboard a medium-powered lifter, Jeb, Bill, and Bob rode a pillar of fire to orbit. "Well, this is quite the view, isn't it?" -Bob Kerman Thirty-five minutes later, their Rhino engine spoke again. "One minute, thirteen seconds to burn. Mark!" -Jebediah Kerman Circularization burn complete, Jeb and crew waited for the next segment of the Snack Accelerator to launch: the Science Module.
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