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Everything posted by Dinkledash

  1. I'm a noob so maybe my opinion doesn't mean much, but implementing timewarp in a multiplayer game seems very difficult. Basically player (or every agency) would have to upvote a proposal to timewarp. I can't think that the game would be a lot of fun if it took 2 hours realtime to do a rendezvous in LKO or a whole day to do a mun mission. I suppose it would make people plan a LOT more carefully to get things right the first time and minimize mission times.
  2. I've also been wondering how they heck they'd do time warp in multiplayer. I think all players would have to be online and they'd all have to upvote it. What do you do if nobody from a given agency is online and they have outbound missions and alarms and such? Maybe they don't do time warp? Yikes.
  3. I'm a complete noob, just bought KSP after seeing the KSP2 cinematic stuff, but shameful ignorance has never stopped me from expressing my opinions before. I think that, as there is eventually going to be multiplayer competitive mode, I don't see how that works without an economic system. Perhaps when contracts come up, competing agencies bid for them, and your bid is accepted on the basis of cost and agency reputation.
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