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Posts posted by simplemunrockets

  1. CRAFT: Genesis VII

    MISSION: Test Munar capabilities of new Genesis VII rocket

    CREW: Richrey, Desfrey, and Danby Kerman

    LAUNCH DATE: 23 June 2012

    FLIGHT DURATION: In Progress


    - 00:02:00 Booster Stage Separation

    - 00:03:35 MECO

    - 00:08:12 Orbit Achieved

    - 00:10:49 TLI Completed

    - 07:16:16 Munar Capture

    - 09:28:15 Munar Orbit Insertion

    - 16:12:27 14km Circular Munar Orbit Achieved

    - 16:30:00 TKI Completed

    - Computer crashes while editing post



  2. CRAFT: Falcon 3

    MISSION: Land on Mun and return safely to Kerbin

    CREW: Ronbles, Sidcott, and Nielfel Kerman

    LAUNCH DATE: 22 June 2012

    FLIGHT DURATION: In progress

    MAX G\'s: In progress

    MAXIMUM VELOCITY: In progress


    - TLI completed flawlessly

    - Remebered 'I was going to Minmus, but what the hell'

    - Captured by Mun at 5:37:09

    - Bounced off of surface of Mun and came down hard.


  3. I have a laptop that can run KSP at about 25 fps, but anytime I engage in an processor-straining activity for too long, it shuts down because it gets too hot. >:(

    (Another weird quirk: I started using a mouse for a few weeks, then decided to go back to the trackpad for something, which didn\'t work. So I\'m stuck with the mouse. Not that I\'m complaining.)

  4. Here is the mountain range I found:


    I would like to propose a name for the range, and for what appears to be the tallest mountain. (There was another peak further away, but there was a very narrow ridge leading to it, and every time I tried to go across it my Kerbals fell off of it. :()

    Here are the pics:


    Coords are 0|59|57 N, 79|11|52 W.

    Mountain Name: Mt. Kurt (in honor of kurtjmac)

    Range: HarvesteR Mountains

  5. I have created a persistence file containing a scale model of the solar system. I used Kosmo-naut\'s Koalemos II (or however it\'s spelled) with a MechJeb and no landing legs. I may add the dwarf planets later, I just don\'t want to get carried away. :WARNING: Pluto may be captured by the Mun at some point. I\'ve done a bit of testing, but you never know.


  6. I was thinking about the Venus transit, and I just thought about this: When other planets come in KSP, would we have transits. I was thinking they could have actual scientific value.

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