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Everything posted by Dakota

  1. only the REAL KSP2 fans have seen the REAL roadmap
  2. I would highly recommend trying to stay spoiler-free when it comes to Discoverables! It's way more exciting if you find them yourself just through playing the game.
  3. The last challenge before the For Science! update will be a Kerbol Grand Tour! Launch a vessel from Kerbin (or assemble one in Kerbin orbit) that passes through the SOI of every celestial body in the Kerbol system before returning safely to Kerbin. You get bonus points for every celestial body you plant a flag on during your mission! Good luck kerbonauts!
  4. https://www.interceptgames.com/jobs/
  5. Initial KSP2 Release
  6. you're able to do this with the capture camera in the live version right now, actually.
  7. Build your most cursed rocket! Space shuttles as side boosters? Sure! SLS core as upper stage? Why not! Launch Starliner on a Falcon 9? THAT... may just work actually... Get weird, go nuts, unleash your inner Dr. Frankenstein! But whatever you build, it must 1. Get to orbit, and 2. Cause maximum discomfort to rocket nerds.
  8. Hello friends! A couple weeks ago I asked you all what are the top 10 requests you have for KSP2 and your responses have been tremendously helpful. I've had multiple meetings with the team going over your requests and now I'm back with another question! Our UI / UX team is curious what specific changes you'd like to see made to the UI and User Experience. There's a lot of improvements coming in For Science! but they're doing some Spring planning right now and want to make sure to prioritize what's important to you all! To help with this, think of UI / UX as everything you see or interact with in the game - minus construction, physics, and the rendered world. All of these are UI / UX: settings, PAIGE, hotkeys, maneuver node, navball, etc Hearing specifics about what you'd like to see or an issue you have with the UI would be fantastic. "I can't read the UI font that well because it's pixelated" is way better than "make the font better" Also, you don't need to provide a solution to an issue! Describing a problem in detail (when, where, how, etc) is way more useful to the designers who then can craft up solutions. As with the last one, don't worry about scope of the changes. If you already posted feedback here on the forums, feel free to link it in this thread too! Appreciate ya!
  9. This is what we attribute it to. We were surprised as well, we didn't expect to see an influx of new/changed reviews until the For Science! release.
  10. I went down, down, down And the flames went higher And it burns, burns, burns.... reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeentry.mp4 And yes, there's charring effects. HeatShieldCharTest_V1.mp4
  11. Follow-up minor sneakpeek with additional Kerbal reentry VFX work
  12. Your challenge is to recreate and perform all elements of a (successful) Starship integrated flight test: Build a two-stage heavy lift rocket, both stages capable of autonomous flight and propulsive landing. Launch and begin flying your rocket to orbit... then quicksave. Decouple and boost the first stage back to the launch site, landing it on one of the four landing pads. Use those gridfins! Load the quicksave, fly the second stage to orbit, then deorbit it so that it re-enters over the ocean to the west of the KSC. Propulsively slow the second stage's descent so that it splashes down in one piece. (Super bonus points if you also land the second stage on a KSC landing pad instead) Good luck, Kerbonauts!
  13. See "even more work in progress" at the top of that one. Adjustments still to be done.
  14. In For Science!, you will be able to disable Cadet Orientation at any time via the settings menu.
  15. Some can't handle the heat though...
  16. With KSP2's first Major Update For Science! on the horizon, things are *heating* up around the KSC as we implement the finishing touches!
  17. It's the new name for the First Time User Experience. We decided to change it due to localization concerns.
  18. Exploring different biomes throughout the Kerbolar System will play a huge part in the upcoming For Science! Exploration gamemode! Here's a few examples on Kerbin of what you can expect (ft. some new terrain rendering improvements!)
  19. These are awesome @ConsoleCoder! Showed them to the team, and Nate and Rafa (who designed the KSP2 flags) loved them
  20. Think it would be good to spin off discussions about potential features into their own threads.
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