Ooh, idea, the trip planner should allow for you to construct a path from a branching tree of actions, so for kerbin -> mun -> kerbin you'd do
[kerbin surface->low kerbin orbit (3400)] -> [low kerbin orbit->mun flyby (860)] -> [mun flyby->low mun orbit (310)] -> [low mun orbit->mun surface (580)] -> [mun surface->low mun orbit (580)] -> [low mun orbit->mun escape (310)] -> [mun escape->low kerbin orbit (aerobrake)] -> [low kerbin orbit->kerbin surface (aerobrake)]
and for the [mun escape->low kerbin orbit (aerobrake)] there would be an action for both doing the burn or doing an aerobrake
this could then populate one of these to visualize it