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Everything posted by Sea_Kerman

  1. While stuff like the part action manager has big buttons, largeish font, and lots of margins and borders taking up half the vertical space (as well as the collapsed tabs), stuff like the translate/rotate widget in the VAB and the maneuver node widget are small and fiddly.
  2. *part move tool in snap mode and in assembly refrence mode should snap relative to the assembly, not relative to its original position, like it did in KSP 1
  3. Ooh, idea, the trip planner should allow for you to construct a path from a branching tree of actions, so for kerbin -> mun -> kerbin you'd do [kerbin surface->low kerbin orbit (3400)] -> [low kerbin orbit->mun flyby (860)] -> [mun flyby->low mun orbit (310)] -> [low mun orbit->mun surface (580)] -> [mun surface->low mun orbit (580)] -> [low mun orbit->mun escape (310)] -> [mun escape->low kerbin orbit (aerobrake)] -> [low kerbin orbit->kerbin surface (aerobrake)] and for the [mun escape->low kerbin orbit (aerobrake)] there would be an action for both doing the burn or doing an aerobrake this could then populate one of these to visualize it
  4. If I'm doing a round-trip kerbin -mun-kerbin, I don't need the 3400m/s to brake from kerbin orbit to surface, (or some of the delta-v for undoing the eccentric transfer trajectory) the atmosphere will do it for me.
  5. Will there be a sort of "ticket status" system for our reports?
  6. Render it via paint-by-numbers: On a more serious note, I'm not sure how one could really expect it to run well on integrated graphics given what the minimum specs were posted as.
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