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Everything posted by TickleMyMary

  1. Well... Was this implemented in the latest patch? Because, if it was, it is a MASSIVE failure and has created a whole host of other issues... Re-entry is next to impossible.
  2. Oh my days... What have you done with the drag? Is this the model you posted so proudly about a few days ago? Came in for re-entry, no slowing down and then reach around 30k altitude and my Pe jumps to over 90k and I start heading back into space. How have you made this game worse than it was before? How have QA missed SO many easy to find bugs? When can we expect a hotfix for these issues... Plus the list of other fixes you have in the patch notes that simply have not been fixed, the trees for example! Waited over 10 weeks for this? What have you all been doing?!
  3. Gladly... It's still more than I paid for it. The writing is on the wall as far as I'm concerned, science will make or break this game but there's too far to go before we even get there... I don't care about it now, I'll have forgotten by that point and that's only the first stop on the roadmap! Say what you will but I don't see a full release ever appearing.
  4. Yeah... That sound bug is a game-breaker for me... I thought this was tested, I thought QA had an extra couple of days with it and this wasn't picked up? Are we going to get a hotfix for it or we waiting 10 weeks until we see anything? Nope... On max settings and they still appear and vanish in around a 200m radius
  5. What's with the missing engine sounds? Or, is this just another 'me' bug?
  6. Have they? How does the science work then and what is it going to be like? I'm intrigued! FYI... They've shown us ONE part and said nothing more... There was meant to be news about it in this weeks post but that went up in smoke along with most promises from the CM's.
  7. Tiresome at this point... Nothing to look forward to in the next update. Also, now you're looking into wobbly rockets? Until a couple of weeks ago, that was a feature you'd baked into the game as a 'core KSP' feature... Best to check out of this because what you're doing is an embarrassment imo.
  8. I honestly beg to differ... The only reason we're getting comms at the level we are now is because of the discontent in the few posts that we had been getting, it's directly addressed in one of the posts. I'm not saying let loose and say whatever you please but any concerns that people do or do not have should be taken seriously, and, in turn, those concerns should be conveyed in a (mostly) civil manner. If that is all happening then I don't see the issue, regardless of whether the same issue is brought up multiple times. I agree... I find people doing that in order to make others change their mind or convince them not to voice their concerns equally as nonsensical. Yet, here we are... In another thread dedicated to the issue that is telling people that think differently, to think differently. I can't speak for other users but, I have walked away from it personally. I'm only interacting with the forums for news and discussion I'm interested in. KSP2 just isn't on my radar as a playable product right now. More than agree... I hope that it does but I don't think we'll ever see what we were initially shown. C'est la vie.
  9. Yet again, I'll believe it when I see it... Get that killer build released, the one you guys just "couldn't" put down before launch. All these weekly comms are doing for me is showing me how little there is to actually say about a game that just needed 'polishing'... Crazy situation.
  10. Don't let my opinion bother you too much... If I think the process is dragging, I'll say so.
  11. "Dragging along..." You're damned right it is... Until we see something, it means nothing.
  12. I'll believe it when I see it, talk is cheap until things actually start dropping... I could write the most fanciful menu imaginable but it means nothing until plates start hitting the tables and customer reaction is gauged... And, those customers ARE the business! A fact quite often missed in an online forum such as this.
  13. Nate put his own review in too... From user 'nateious' I've been playing this RTS since the initial alpha release, I've watched it steadily get better and better over time. If you enjoyed Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander this game captures a similar (note: similar, not identical) feel, but with a unique approch using spherical maps (you can have one or multiple planets) The highlight of this game for me is playing with a group of friends in team games with shared armies. I played a good deal of SupCom / SupCom:FA with friends and while it was fun, it just didn't capture the same feeling of team cooperation that you can get from sharing a single set of units working with your friends. Shared armies lets you split up the management of the game by not forcing any one single person to keep track of everything (and in large games over multiple planets, this can be difficult) Tasks such as economy expansion, scouting and raiding, orbital and multi-planet expansion can be split among teammates. This does require a degree of cooperation as there is a single shared resource pool, but the benefits are well worth it.
  14. They're not 'broken' now though, are they? Quite honestly, the only reason I stayed with KSP for so many hours/years is because of the modding scene... The community have expanded the game to such a beautiful degree. So, no... Let's not bypass that 'headache' because as a customer, that is exactly what I'm looking out for in my KSP2 experience, alongside whatever the team ends up creating over the coming years... Seeing as there have been quite a few replies asking the same, it would appear it is a feature that is wanted. Again, it's what I want out of my experience of KSP2 and doesn't effect the development at IG in the slightest... It is what it is.
  15. Not going to really disagree with you at all...Except to say that to reach the numbers you quoted, there would have to be nearly 100x the players that use the .exe bypass and/or are using mods based on the stat provided by OP. Seeing as there have only been just over 4k downloads for the most recent version of BepInEx, for people using mods on the current game version, there can only be that many users possibly using the bypass while using mods (feasible to think that people could use mods and use the launcher too). We're never going to know what they actual figures are though so speculation, while fun, is pretty pointless. Hopefully things will pan out but I really don't like what I hear from the team, I don't feel it's ever going to be the game we saw 3 years ago... And, that's ok. I'm sure there are plenty of places to point the blame but I'm sure they already feel the weight of their own 'failures' more than somebody here could point out. C'est la vie. I do have hope for the game but I don't expect to see anything over the next 12 months that could change my current feelings on the game... Best to treat it like a creepy uncle and just message in occasionally.
  16. Even if you say that 10x more people are playing outside of steam in some way, they'd still be embarrassing numbers... Especially for a 3 month old game . Played for 40 mins last patch and realised I wasn't gonna see what I wanted out of the game for quite some time, if ever... So much so, this forum is the only interaction I have with the game of late as I have no reason to play something that doesn't look, feel, smell or taste like the iteration that came before. Still waiting for that killer build the devs just cannot put down.
  17. You've seen one comment from one player, let's not go nuts.
  18. Team... This is NOT the way to do this! I'd love to go into some big speech about what I want to see and why I think this is a terrible decision... But... I'm done with it. You're building endgame roadmap features for a game that ISN'T enjoyable in it's current state, you can add heating and science to the game we have now and it STILL would not be enjoyable because the most basic fundamentals of the game are broken. If I can boil it down to one line... It doesn't, in any way, shape or form, feel like Kerbal Space Program. If I cooked food like you all developed games, I'd be in jail for serial food poisoning... No point glazing ribs if the nose is still in the trough.
  19. Because I prefer (as much as is possible) for the game to be as realistic as possible in ways such as this and funds, science, research and the original KSP career mode style triggers my little monkey brain in exactly the right way... So much so, that one particular game mode (with many mods installed) has held my attention for 10 years now and will continue to do so for the foreseeable. As stated, I am willing to wait to see what we get... The fact I haven't been enticed by the few details we do have does not equate to me writing the mode off before it lands. Not necessarily... Yet, frequently.
  20. What part of my comment struck you as me being 'nervous' about something? It's just my opinion based on how I play the game... Don't get nervous over it.
  21. I barely play it to be honest... I spend most of my time building with 10 minutes of trying to launch something where the wings stay on or something equally game ruining happens. The woods are lovely, dark and deep... But, thanks to the draw distance, you'd never know.
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