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Everything posted by TheCardinal

  1. Did you connect it to a rotatron of Damned Robotics? If so, use the keys you've defined for the rotatron. If not (what i suspect), it will never turn.
  2. Sorry to disappoint you, but this vehicle can't be downloaded. It has been created by DamnYouJapan (not Dani) and has (so i'm told) several bugs. This is the reason why DYJ won't release it to the KSP users. It's a pity because it's a very nice truck.
  3. Have i misunderstood what functions the gears have? - No lights are visible - Gears are not self propelling Steering very good at low speeds (2-3 m/s ) but at higher speeds the planes turn very abrubtly. Just above 10 m/s it again becomes very smooth. I've tried to balance the gears somewhat but without much succes. The most important question at the moment is: What is the significance of the parameter "steerSpeedFalloff"? (and how does it influence the steering).
  4. A one meter lens?!!!!! Isn't that overdoing things? Although ... it IS the Kerbal way! It is not the size that counts, it's the quality of the lens that determines the quality and details of the picture.
  5. I love to test things, so thank you very much. One of the things i noticed in KSP is that when something is big it is subject to several kinds of unknown forces, sometimes so bad that the structure destroys itself. F.e. i've built a engine teststand out of Novapunch cubes. Frequently, the structure began jumping up and down until it landed sideways and .. KABOOM! ÃÂt seems like Unity doesn't like big things.
  6. Your calculations are better than mine were (although i took an other approach). They make sense. And i like the texturing of the new G3 tank!
  7. For those who still need the NovaPunch 1.2 beta. The license issue has been resolved and the mod is downloadable again.
  8. I've had the pleasure of flying the XB70 now and i think it is marvellous!
  9. 1/3 smaller means the remaining is 2/3, which gives a volume of 8/27th which is coincedentally almost 1/3. So the volumes would be 600, 200, 65. Fuel weights: 0.006 times the volume so 3.6, 1.2 and 0.4. Dry weights: 1.6, 0.8 and 0.4. Total weights: 5.2, 2.0 and 0.8. Unless i'm mistaken you only need to make a new G2. The old G2 can easily be used as the new G1. The difference between the old G2 and the new G1 are so slight that i wouldn't bother making a new G1.
  10. The formula you use doesn't take gravity and resistance (drag) into account (which counteract the acceleration by the rocketengine(s)). If you launch a craft with MechJeb (the ascend pilot) and press the stats button, a screen with all kinds of information will enlighten you completely. You'll see what percentage is used to overcome gravity, how much for drag, how much for steering etc..
  11. On the subject of the droptanks, i've taken a good look at them and i believe you need to think again on their cfg's. First of all, their dry weight is quite unrealistic. Three different sizes all with the same weight of 0.1 ?! Then the volumes: 150, 300 and 600. You've stated in the readme.txt that each tank is twice as large as the previous one. What you didn't realise is that you've increased all dimensions by a factor of 2, therefor the volume increases by a factor 8. The dry weight should also increase by at least a factor 4 (assuming the same thickness). When i compare the largest one (G3), it's volume is about the same as a single large stock fueltank, so 600 is a good estimate. However the G2 normally would hold only 1/8th, so it should be 75 and not 300. With the G1 it then should be about 10 (not 150). I recommend that you change the values as follows: G3 contents: 600 total weight: 5.2 Dry weight: 1.6 G2 contents: 100 total weight: 1.0 Dry weight: 0.4 G1 contents: 30 total weight: 0.4 Dry weight: 0.2
  12. O shoot! I didn't realise that. You're right, delete no 4.
  13. Why don't you combine it with the Orbital construction mod? That mod allready can create parts by converting spareparts. If your code adds a sparepart for every x nuggets to the inventory of the 'spacedock', your and his mod combined would be exactly what both of you are aiming for. * dream mode on * The two combined with the Kethane mod -> Fuel problem solved. The three combined with the ZO2 mod -> Permanent bases become possible The four combined with EPS -> Interplanetary and stellar exploration and setteling becomes possible. * dream mode off *
  14. IOO, I consider the ZO2 mod as one of the essential mods for realistic spaceflights. The ZO2 poses the serious challenge to keep the crew alive during the flight. Unfortunately, the ZO2 mod doesn't make transfer of ZO2 from one ship to another possible. With the fuel transfer mod fuel can be transferred from one ship to another. May i request some collaboration between you and Younata to make the transfer of ZO2 possible as well? It would make rescue missions much more realistic and fun.
  15. No sir, it should not! Why do you think they need updating? I still use the parts and they perform as they should.
  16. Patience is a virtue. Such comments won't achieve anything except p.ssing off the mod maker.
  17. I like the trusses you've made and i hope you will share it with everyone, but start your own thread in the Addon subsection.
  18. I don't see anything wrong with it, so why do i have to criticise it? I could say that i expect a reactor to have a lot of piping and tubing, wires, control units etc. (an idea which is based on the currently existing large steam generating reactors) but in space-going reactors this is never the case. I personally would have added some red flashing lights even though they wouldn't be of any use in space (nobody is around to see those warning lights).
  19. Once again a nice and interesting journal. Very nice graphics, by the way. The article on scientific tools was very clear. I'm sure some users will now attempt to build their own tools/sensors. The Delta V article unfortunately is plagued by a small oversight, namely the weight comparison between engine 1 and 2. It is only mention in the footnote and some readers might overlook that at first. I did overlook it and it made the article incomprehensible until i discovered the footnote. Then it made sense. Although (according to that same article) a lot of people seem to have a dislike for mathematics and formula's, ik would like to see one page in every edition dedicated to some mathematics. In almost all aspects of KSP mathematics plays a big role. Although not interesting for some, others will see it differently. Who knows? It might even be helpfull with the design of crafts or a rendezvous or ... or ...
  20. Thank you (for the third time in a row. I've just downloaded wings 3D. If it is easier then blender, i'll probably will be using that.
  21. I like the new features very much. Planting the flag and playing the national anthem is very ingenious! (just when you think you've seen everything somebody (i.e. you) comes up with such an idea).
  22. Thanks! I do hope the fuel transfer mod will eventually become the mod for transferring all possible resources. It would be wastefull if such a mod would have to be created for each resource but i consider normal fuel, RCS and ZO2 the most important things to be transferrable.
  23. Vegany has made a tutorial very recently, perhaps that will make things clear. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/17514-Animated-Lander-Leg-tutorial
  24. I've been looking for a working cargo bay for a long time now, so it would be great if you could complete this.
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