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  • About me
    I'm Hank from the Raid N Trade.
  • Location
    The Universe
  • Interests
    Genres: Sci-fi, mystery, comedy, action, building, FPS, role-playing, strategy, funk, upbeat jazz, rock, disco, classical, oldies, metal, country.

    I make videos, play some instruments, meddle in 3d modelling and animations, play games, do some web design, play with cat, & I repair air conditioners to support the above. My channel is small but I am striving for quality over release schedule. youtube.com/@raidntrade - please check me out if you like my posts here!

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  1. So the owner, Private Division, takes all the staff from one 'studio' and moves them to another new 'studio with a different name, and I'm supposed to believe everything is different now? It's the exact same people. Edit to address your semantics: Nate here is seen managing the community, ie CMing.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw42iC-mlZM Playable enough that a CM was able to tell us about how the mechanics worked 4.5 years ago. Edit to quote: "There's so many crazy things you can do now." *Now* implying it was possible at the time.
  3. This doesn't answer anything. "We're working on it" is a vague way of saying "eff off and stop asking." WHAT are they working on, specifically, since colonies have been playable to devs for years already?
  4. I can make guesses too, but from the recent track record they wouldn't be as optimistic as yours. This is about hearing it from the *team*, not a random player. No offense.
  5. Are you still following the roadmap or not? Tell us. Do you know where you are on the map? Tell us. Get roadblocked by a killer bug or set back? Tell us. Right now it appears the game is dead in the water and you're doing nothing but procrastinate delivering the cancellation news, because you can't seem to communicate in a post addressing the lack of communication. Give us *something* other than more empty promises. SHOW US WHAT YOU'VE DONE.
  6. My ship is saved! You guys are my heroes, thank you all! (Acquire_Docker on the refuel ship's port was the culprit) For posterity, on this mission (refuel #6), while in the editor, I used a docking port from a sub-assembly to attach a heat-shield instead of grabbing a new one out of the menu bar. It was attached *to* the port that failed. Not sure if that could be related but it's the only significant change I made for this mission.
  7. You mean throwing delta V at it until it works? Yeah lol. I have been using engie report for the TWR on each stage, that's about it for calculations right now. I'm about to scrap the entire launch assembly to replace it with more stages and better strutting - I'm dreading this so much (hence I'm messing around on forums) but I know 5 minutes into the VAB I'll be enjoying it.
  8. Well, you see part of my issue is that this craft tears itself apart as soon as I get any significant air resistance. So I have to go slow through the atmosphere, like very slow. My engines are staged and grouped so I can easily shut them down in pairs when my speed starts getting to fast for my height. Rough estimates: at 2000km craft breaks at 42 m/s at 7000km craft breaks at 78 m/s at 18000km craft breaks at 192 m/s Unfortunately this means I can't gravity turn until way late in the launch. I still plan to turn once I get decent speed at 45km or so but I need a re-work of my launch staging to get me that high.
  9. Day 14 - Moar Progrisss (Not enough thrust in upper atmo, need to go bigger...)
  10. Some of my downfall so far I think is not going big *enough*, at least with mass. The big wings are killing me with the drag, a bunch of structural parts where the rectangular wings go would have been a better choice I think, but I'm too invested to rebuild and repaint it now.
  11. Thank you so much! I try not to spam my vids or beg too much but I am quite proud of this one ! Maybe it will bump me over 50 subscribers..?
  12. "VersionString": "0.2", "Name": "Ark112", "VehicleName": "Ark_Of_Heaven", "Description": "Renew Raised By Wolves", "ThumbnailPath": "\\Saves\\SinglePlayer\\Mith04\\Workspaces\\Ark112.png", "Mass": 3600.17529, "SaveTime": 638191645283029976, "Parts": 2361 Bigger than I thought, it was only 1300 or so before I started strut madness. This makes me want to check for duplication glitch now :S Highest progress screenshot: I've gotten past 13 km but the game froze so badly Windows wouldn't even let me take a snapshot. Further attempts today! (and maybe turning down atmosphere settings because I'm a hack and this is getting tedious)
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