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Infinite Aerospace

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Everything posted by Infinite Aerospace

  1. That'd be difficult it seems. Though isn't 'unlicence' a sorta "this is OK to modify and such"?
  2. Sir Mortimer hasn't been on the forum for more than three years. I think it's safe to assume Kerbalism is getting no further updates (unless someone adopts it of course). That said, I think support for such things is done on the mod wanting to be supported side, rather than the inverse. So that question might be better off addressed to Benjee (or anyone else who knows how to write configs for Kerbalism, JadeOfMaar perhaps?).
  3. Hey, for a first time doing it and an early version it's really really nice. I can't stress how much that volcanic plume adds to the Space Centre scene on Gael and the launch - initial ascent.
  4. The plume is an interesting one, from some directions it is solid (looking down at it for example) and from the Space Centre. There's a specific part of the ascent where the translucence occurs, so it's an intriguing one. If you're at a loss as to why it's happening, drop Blackrack a comment on his Patreon and I'm sure he'll give you pointers (or a solution. But honestly, thank you for resurrecting what's became something of a forgotten mod and it's a shame because it's *so* good, it's so a wonderful take on a stockalike system. As for the lots of small clouds, next time I'm on (stuck on early shifts at the moment so not doing much on KSP) I'll grab a few screenshots if that helps. I personally quite like the random, tenuous little clouds, I think it makes the atmosphere feel pretty realistic it's just the repetition that makes me wonder if it's a bug or not.
  5. Since I can't think of why this wouldn't work, is there any reason anyone can think of as to why Jot is a very dark grey object when orbiting Ciro (GPP, still named 'Sun' as far as the game is concerned), I can't see a reason why this would be the case in any of the configs. Am I missing something? This was installed via CKAN.
  6. I also have some potential bugs in this mod, the most obvious being during launch if looking toward the volcano, the clouds/volcanic plume becomes translucent. There's also another thing, not sure if it's a bug or design, but there's a near infinite number of random 'small clouds' which form an almost cotton wool like style.
  7. Was a cool mod, wonder why it's gone. Been using that with true volumetrics to great effect, though I've since switched to Galileo's Planet Pack Volumetrics, complete with an aurora.
  8. This sounds like a really cool mod, it's really nice when nice 'sci-fi' tech appear.
  9. This mod is *ridiculous* by the way, as Matt Lowne said it's one of those moments that come around where someone develops a mod that really changes something so big. Congratulations on the release, there's been a lot of really well deserved praise.
  10. Right, I could be going mad but I'm sure another forum user had this problem and @OhioBob had a solution for it. When using GPP and OPM, the OPM planets are not lit by Grannus. Now I'm quite sure it was a light curve issue or something along those lines (Though I think it was relating to Robau's Star, when GEP is also installed but the issue is identical). Apologies if I'm misremembering, it was quite a few years since I remember seeing that. Edit: After some head scratching, trial and error, the culprit was narrowed down to the scatterer planet list of the OPM Volumetrics Mod, changing it from 'Sun' to 'Grannus' sorted it out and a lesson has been learned.
  11. Quick question. If using this mod with Galileo's Planet Pack is there some kind of a bug? The planets of this mod are placed into their correct orbits (around Grannus) but all of them are dark, being unlit. Edit: Disregard the above, the culprit was OPM Volumetric scatterer planet list, changed to Grannus and the problem is fixed.
  12. I must admit, I installed this as primary system and that volcano near the space centre is a wonderful touch. Will be keeping an eye out for updates for this one, great promise (especially if Grannus joins the party).
  13. I must admit it's great to see this is still an ongoing thing, I installed it to try it out a while ago and the planets themselves are unreal.
  14. To be frank, I'm not sure it's not something I'm doing wrong on my part. But it isn't limited to this take on 'Science Only' Kerbalism, I've never really had any luck getting the other, older one working either.
  15. Never got it working with MKS. Which is a shame as MKS is one of the main conflicting mods with just, stock Kerbalism. Kerbalism it turns out is the antithesis of colonisation focused mods, I kinda wish someone (Because I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to go about it) would 'evolve' Kerbalism with its own colonisation, it's own habitation parts, et cetera.
  16. JNSQ, GPP, GEP used to be the 'Gold Standard' because it just worked, and when JNSQ was present Ciro and Grannus were moved into effortless, rescaled extra star systems. There's one thing Team Galileo did an outstanding job of, that was 'flavour'. It was all very professionally done.
  17. Here's the thing. You can have *any* planet as a moon for Kerbin, you can even have Kerbin as a moon of something else too, though that 'used' to cause a few issues. For example there's a cool little planet called 'Frigus' which could be assigned to Kerbin as a moon.
  18. Does this work with 2.7x rescale and as a secondary star to Kerbol (JNSQ)? Edit: I can in-fact confirm that GPP Volumetrics and JNSQ Volumetrics work fine with GPP as secondary, rescaled system. Result!
  19. Now all we need is for someone to take up the same treatment with Grannus and BOOM! Entire Galileo setup is back in the game.
  20. There's a ton of them no longer working, so that makes sense.
  21. TAC-LS doesn't conflict with *any* planet packs as far as I'm aware, as what it does isn't related to the planets, their orbits, et cetera. Kerbalism is kinda the same but I think it has some other prerequisites, regarding biomes and what not.
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