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Posts posted by Nyxilo

  1. This worked, but then the stock sun reappears below. :huh:
    I got rid of it by using “givesOffLight = false” but then everything goes dark because the “Sun” doesn't emit light...as expected. Yeah. 
    As in real life, the accretion disk should emit a huge amount of light (not implemented in Singularity) and this is something I want to keep (i.e. use the Sun's light instead of the Disk's).

    I'll stick with my poor solution for now, I played around a bit with the Light node and the Subscale node but it got me nowhere.

    In the end it looks like that : (File name is Sun.CFG)


            assetPath = SingularitySunFix\Assets // Black pixels
                useTheInName = False
                displayName = Sigularity // Or whatever. Why not Jebediah.
                            texture = SingularitySunFix\Assets\sunFlare.png // Black pixel

            name = Sun
        gravity = 200000000
        hideCelestialBody = True
        useAccretionDisk = True
        useRadialTextureMapping = False
        accretionDiskNormal = -0.4,1,1
        accretionDiskInnerRadius = 200000000
        accretionDiskOuterRadius = 6E+9
        accretionDiskRotationSpeed = -1.5
        accretionDiskTexturePath = SingularitySunFix\Assets\AccretionDisk.png // Borrowed from the Event Horizon mod.
        scaleEnclosingMesh = 1
        depthWrite = True


  2. 10 hours ago, OhioBob said:

    As I recall, you just have to make the sunflare color black.  For instance, I think the following would do it for the Sun.

    				%sunLensFlareColor = 0,0,0,0


    I've tried it but it didn't worked because of Scatterer which was applying its effects at the same time.
    In the end the solution was just to create a Scatterer Sun config and replacing every flare / spikes / ghost by a black pixel. It's a bit of brute-force but it worked.

  3. I was finally able to fix the problems I had with Singularity, thanks to a messy Scatterer / Kopernicus setup.
    Using Kopernicus I removed the Corona and using Scatterer I just created a configuration for the Sun and forced the Sunflares into 1x1 black/transparent pixels.


    As these are standalone files (a .cfg for the patch and all these black pixels with different names), I don't think I can PR on GIthub, so where should I put them?
    If necessary, of course.

    I've also included a small setup for a black hole and its textures, borrowed from the EventHorizon mod.

  4. Does anyone know how to properly hide the sunflare on a given star ?
    Using "givesOffLight = False" doesn't work as said in the wiki "Whether the star should emit light and have a LensFlare effect, or whether it's an object like a black hole", it only cuts off the light but leaves the LensFlare in place.

    The LensFlare is what I'm trying to remove but without any success so far. Is there a parameter I missed ?
    Note : I need to disable both Scatterer & the Stock Sunflare.

  5. 20 hours ago, MrShelter said:

    Oh right, I didn't include it since FOR ABSOLUTELY UNKNOWN REASON it was already included in RSE's SWE patch, so I didn't include it

    Did you try adding that line? What exactly is wrong?

    Its @fx-panther-wet-running{!AUDIO,*{}}, not power, it is running

    Yeah, it worked
    I don't know why some engines have @fx-engine-something-running and others have @fx-engine-something-power
    Anyway, know eveything's fine, thanks for your fixes 

  6. 15 hours ago, MrShelter said:

    I am too inexperienced to replicate such complex sound layering for RSE, but can try replacing HIGH and DEEP or smth sounds for each engine. For now you can use above for general muting so it doesnt bug out

    I think RWE is using the stock layout (maybe ?) with  High / Low / Shutdown / Startup sounds for each airbreathing engine
    However I have no idea what's going on in RSE with the resonnances sounds and stuff ;.;

    Your fix worked absolutely fine on RWE !
    Now that I hear correclty the sounds I can tell RSE has pretty nice turbine sounds, but yeah, it's the same for both the Panther and Whiplash 
    Rotos are amazing though

    Edit : Everything is muffled correctly besides the panthers in Afterburner mode

    Edit2 : The line "@fx-panther-wet-power{!AUDIO,* {}}" was lacking in your CFG fix, but it stilldidn't change, while supersonic you can hear the full AB in front of the craft, wherehas the rest of the sounds are near inaudible (as it should be)

  7. 26 minutes ago, MrShelter said:

    I have an Idea. The CFG first finds all engines which have RWE(or manually), goes to RSE_ENGINES -> SOUNDPLAYERGROUP -> both SOUNDPLAYER -> replace audioClip with corresponding sound from RWE, and then remove all stock RWE sounds.

    RWE does modify "only" 15 engines (the 6 Airbreathing + 9 Lox), but the thing is the way audio is used in RSE differs a lot from stock / RWE
    For example, I don't see a disengage sound in RSE and it looks like it uses sounds as layers rather than complete, full audios 

  8. 35 minutes ago, MrShelter said:

    Or remove rse sounds, and make rwe sounds rse compatible


    Could something like that work ?
    If [RWE Detected]
        then [use RWE_sound.mp3] instead of [RSE_sound.mp3]
         remove [Stock_audio]

    I was just thinking about changing the path to the sounds, which means RSE could still apply its effects but with RWE's sounds

    I'm not familiar at all with the AFTER: LAST: and all that stuff in the CFGs to be honest, usually if i'm opening a CFG it's to edit the atmosphere curves or mach curves of an engine rather than something else x)))

    Edit : so, one one side RWE is getting rid of the Stock bloc (audio, particles, etc), and on the other side it looks like we could change the audioClip path to force RSE to use RWE's sounds and that's maybe the easy part.
    The complex one would be, I think, to get rid of RWE's stock (who's already getting rid of Stock ones, etc...)
    I'm only focusing on the jet engines for now, I don't know if there's a similar issue with rocket engines

  9. On 8/8/2024 at 5:22 PM, One eyed Smile said:


    Hello. I have FAR and AFBW and this mod installed, and when i enable atmosphere autopilot while in flight with this craft, it randomly starts rolling to right side. What could be the cause of this?


    Maybe because AA doesn't like the torque of your engine.
    I think I had a similar issue and solved it by making everything contraprop. :)

    Have you had the issue with a non-prop plane ?

  10. Ok I'm just stupid.
    Here's what I saw while testing :

    Here's what it should be

    The difference ? Setting the Max Delta-time per physics frame at 0.12 instead of 0.02. Surprinsigly, it works better when the system isn't running at 50%.
    As a bonus I can cook on my CPU now. :D;.;

    Works great now :


  11. (Repost from the WIP thread, I think it's more appropriate to ask the question here)

    TL ; DR: Does anyone have the YF-23 control surface settings on hand? :D

    Hello everyone!
    I've been working on a jet fighter for three years now, and the latest problem I've encountered is really bothering me. I'm trying to make something with the aerodynamics of a brick (I see you, F-4 Phantom) at least decently maneuverable.
    So far, yaw and pitch are no problem, but roll is... slow, to say the least.
    As the main wing is very similar to that of the YF-23 (despite the front canards, I know...), I thought I'd use this aircraft - a real one, for once - as a basis for the elevon settings.

    Here are the specs and current control surface settings, and I'm not sure this is the most relevant.

    The design is done, and apart from a few tweaks here and there, I'm mainly trying to improve the settings, nothing else.

  12. TL ; DR: Does anyone have the YF-23 control surface settings on hand? :D

    Hello everyone!
    I've been working on a jet fighter for three years now, and the latest problem I've encountered is really bothering me. I'm trying to make something with the aerodynamics of a brick (I see you, F-4 Phantom) at least decently maneuverable.
    So far, yaw and pitch are no problem, but roll is... slow, to say the least.
    As the main wing is very similar to that of the YF-23 (despite the front canards, I know...), I thought I'd use this aircraft - a real one, for once - as a basis for the elevon settings.

    Here are the specs and current control surface settings, and I'm not sure this is the most relevant.

    The design is done, and apart from a few tweaks here and there, I'm mainly trying to improve the settings, nothing else.

  13. On 9/10/2024 at 4:57 AM, MrShelter said:

    I found out it had to do Stock Waterfall Effects, and maybe other Waterfall mods. I sorted out, and without SWE, it works fine, but with it, it changes sound to other one, looks to be stock AUDIO, and doesn't mute at all


    Do you think something similar could be happening with RestockWaterfallExpansion ?
    I've looked into the .cfgs, doesn't seem to use LAST but RWE does in fact replace the stock audio with custom ones (better than those from RSE in my opinion)
    RWE doesn't use SWE (only Waterfall Core and Restock as dependancies, everything installed trhough CKAN). 
    When I have RSE & RWE installed at the same time, RWE isn't affected at all by RSE and I hear both of them / RWE at full sound when RSE is muffled.

    The best of both worlds would be to apply RSE's effects to RWE's sounds (so, replacing RSE's jet engines sounds with RWE, said in another way).
    I am dreaming ? :/

  14. 11 hours ago, JonnyOThan said:

    Added PROPELLANTR_ variables to access the resources that are in use by engines on the vessel

    Does this mean we could hope for a RealFuels compatibility in the future ? :o
    It seems the new update works fine with KSA IVA, I got no issues with the MK1 Inline and the MK1 standard cockpits.

  15. Hi, I'm currently using AtomicTech's RestockWaterfallExpansion which has included Linuxgurugamer's Jet Sounds Updated since this year. 
    It seems now that RWE and RSE are in conflict, so I was wondering if a compatibility patch could be released, i.e. when RWE is installed, using their sounds instead of RSE's.
    The muffling effect and mach bang are really nice features on this mod

    Edit: it seems that JSU/RWE sounds are also unaffected by RSE and are always played at full volume, while other sounds are muffled.

  16. 47 minutes ago, JonnyOThan said:

    is it possible to have some engines that still use LiquidFuel when it's installed?

    LiquidFuel is replaced by Kerosene for all the airbreathing engines - excluding the RAPIER which uses LiquidMethane instead - however for the rocket engines it depends on their configs, some use Kerosene, others Aerozine50 and so on.
    Oxidizer also is replaced by LiquidOxygen for most of the engines (including the RAPIER).

    Stock ressources are still available for fuels tank though.

  17. Hello,
    I am currently using KSA IVA Upgrade alongside RealFuels and, as the latter replaces LiquidFuel with Kerosene for the engines, the fuel and flow gauges do not display the correct amount / flow of fuel.

    This is a minor detail, as the KSP's own HUD is minimal in the IVA and can be left on to display fuel values and stuff, but I was wondering if this could be an easy compatibility fix or not.

    If it's out of place and only related to KSA, let me know and I'll ask there.

  18. 38 minutes ago, Gameslinx said:

    He mentioned a potential solution for the reflection probe with a custom implementation that will render using deferred, so this problem might go away in the future. But for now, it's probably because of the reflections. I'm not sure if Deferred forces reflections on (i would expect it to, considering it contributes significantly to the lighting of the scene), but try disabling them just in case or at least turning the refresh mode and resolution down. Let me know if that helps

    Thank you! I've set the Reflection Refresh Mode to Low (everything looks horrible if disabled) with all the other settings cranked all the way up, and it works perfectly.  And, apart from the huge performance impact between "Low" and "Every Frame" mode, I don't really see any difference. I'll stick with it until the problem is - perhaps - solved.

  19. Hi, I've been using Parallax for a while and have noticed a - somewhat annoying - quirk with the lights on my setup (Ryzen 7 3700X / RTX3070 Ti / 48GB of RAM).
    Here are the tests I did:
    - Random test bench made from reactors and lights (with emission enabled as I use them as spotlights / navigation lights usually),
    - Pixel Light Count at 64,
    - Tests on Stock, Stock & Parallax, Stock & Parallax & Deferred instances.
    In Stock I'm running at 38 FPS (perfectly fine), in Stock + Parallax I drop to 18 as soon as the lights are on and in Stock + Parallax + Deferred I drop to 21 with lights then 18 with lights and engines (Whiplash / Panther on AB).

    Playing with the Pixel Light Count improves performance (at 0 I'm at 38 FPS) but also makes the lights disappear, which I don't want.
    Obviously, getting rid of Parallax solves all the issues - and I can run at 38 on a fully graphics modded instance - but it would be a shame to go without such a mod.

    I've tried playing with the Parallax settings but I don't want to mess it up. If anyone has any advice, I'd love to hear it.

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