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Everything posted by JeDoesStuff

  1. the only thing is that you dont need two intakes, so its kindof a waste of mass but yeah it works well in most cases, especially if youre only using one rapier. The best option is always going to be just stuffing everything in a fairing
  2. the intakes are inside the rapiers, occluding the back node of the rapier. the unplanned loss of control at the end was mostly due to my lack of attention to the way the center of mass moved as fuel drained, so the center of pressure was directly on the center of mass. i used two nervas specifically for the tylo landing, since just 1 meant i would run out of thrust to counteract gravity before i was moving slow enough to finish the ascent on the rapiers. the extra landing gear was merely to save time with ascents, since at the time i was unwilling to spend 10+ tries on a tricky takeoff.
  3. damn thats awesome! i hadnt seen this anywhere (though tbf i hadn't looked very hard). im definitely hype now!
  4. One thing that I always wished I could do in KSP 1 was build new KSC's on other worlds. Sure, I could put together a mining outpost as a midway station for crafts on journeys to further destinations, but it never felt like true colonization. What I would like to suggest is a system that can be implemented where by obtaining resources from the planet (hopefully more than the ambiguous "ore"), you can build proto-VABs and synthesize parts like fuel tanks and engines from space. as your outpost grows in scale, you can incorporate resource harvesting systems from different locations (such as pipelines) for all your needs. Additionally, I think that engineer kerbals should be able to synthesize the parts, and as they level up, they are able to build higher tier parts. I'm not sure what else to say about this idea, since I don't want to be too long winded or suggest things that are unreasonable, but I think with KSP2's goal to improve upon the science and colonization aspect of KSP it would be a step in the right direction for bringing an interplanetary empire to life.
  5. we took similar approaches to our usernames
  6. I love how you mentioned gravity multipliers despite me being just about the only person actively doing gravity multiplier challenges haha
  7. I probably should've specified those, I forgot about them. Those are disallowed as they trivialize KSP: I'll be adding that to the rules once I can
  8. Perhaps the rule should be that the craft may not load at more than ~100 meters, and that if you want to start at a higher altitude, you must use a transport vehicle. Also on using the mountains west of the KSC as the limit for lunch clamps, I disagree, since for many kilometers after the mountain the ground level is substantially higher than sea level, which as we all know will decrease the effectiveness of the juno engine, so using a 5km launch clamp instead of a mountain provides a significant advantage. However, I personally wouldn't be opposed to using set-position to place crafts on specific mountains, since this will help with speeding up the process of flying the mission (or using some vab/sph trickery to have the craft launch from a mountain in the first place).
  9. Figured I should throw my hat in the ring, Here's the more impressive of my two Jool-5's with a Sub-30 ton spaceplane
  10. IMPORTANT!: If you wish to go to any destination other than orbit, use the SigmaDimensions mod, as the debug menu gravity multiplier does not change the orbital characteristics of the other planets and moons, making a rendezvous with them nearly impossible (or completely impossible interplanetary) So this is something that has been done before (Namely Scott Manley's old 5G challenge), but I want to take it a step further. As some of you may know, I have a series on my channel where I go to different places with 5x Gravity, my current hardest mission being Tylo. To spur interest, I wanted to pose the challenge to others, but with some more accessible goals. Below are some levels for this challenge. Any multiplier may be used, but these serve as examples for possible challenges. The square of gravity will act as a multiplier for the point value, and a table of points for the different destinations will be given below. Missions including a return will receive double the points.* 2x Gravity. This is quite easy to do even with a large payload, and should help you familiarize yourself with the requisite techniques for high G ascents. 3.5x Gravity. By this stage most of the basic rocket building techniques are becoming unviable for orbit, however you still wont need any special tricks to make orbit... yet 5x Gravity. This is my personal favorite. It is the perfect mix of challenge of engineering and compatibility with stock parts. Using tricks such as node occlusion will be helpful, but are still unnecessary. 7.5x Gravity. By this point, getting off the ground is a struggle. Exploiting the Aerodynamic model and mild part clipping will make this significantly easier. 10x Gravity. The ultimate challenge. To my knowledge even just making orbit has only been done with a Kerbal by one person: myself. *For example, putting a Kerbal on the Mun with 5x gravity will have a multiplier of *25, but if you bring them home the multiplier will be *50. Point Values for each Destination. If multiple destinations are traveled to, sum the points before multiplying. Additionally, if a mission has multiple launches from Kerbin, each additional launch from the first will count as another point. RULES: 1. All Missions Must have a Kerbal 2. Cheats such as Infinite Fuel, No Drag, No Heat, etc. are disallowed 3. Unorthodox techniques should be disclosed or obvious to the viewer, such as part clipping, magic wings, etc. 4. Missions are limited to stock parts and DLC (controlling a craft with only a MechJeb is disallowed) 5. No Kraken drives Leaderboard: Attached is a link to a google sheet with a leaderboard of the best High G missions. It will include multiple submissions per person, and will be expanded as more missions are added. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZmNeaaP2Z6eVdxMQsL9yKGPXRZk_uwSs1it4kC-Jx0/edit#gid=0 For the sake of visibility, the top 3 missions (by person) will be displayed here: 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Challenger JedoesStuff Julian Danzer ILikeSoup Destinations Tylo, Pol, Minmus and Back 5x Gravity Orbit and Back 6.5x Gravity Orbit and Back 5x Gravity Points 2040 84.5 50 Link https://youtu.be/Mx1pnIJ4VCA?si=a7Ng4Thht2pRMN0D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIbgnB4JDqQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wZ8lnG_O8k
  11. I have beaten the record for lightest mission to tylo. here is the video. I agree, the rule I use is that launch clamps may not exceed the altitude of the VAB, since mountain terrain adds more complications than a tall launch clamp
  12. @camacju Thanks for sharing for me, I was just about to do this but then I saw you had already done it!
  13. Actually without the clamps it would have required less mass. At the time I was struggling with getting the fairing to get low drag (I was unaware of interstage node occlusion), so below a certain mass the drag limited my top speed. The higher mass allowed for the a more efficient ascent, but I wasn't able to take off with just the juno engine. Now, however, I've realized that the world record is very beatable, and I have put together a craft that could do it. It will have to wait for now, since I'm about to travel for thanksgiving, but the run wont stay for too long hopefully. As for the rules with the clamps, I think that the starting height for the clamps should not exceed the height of any mountain on Kerbin (6,767m), which will remove my run from the list. Only reason why the clamps were so tall in my video was because I didn't really plan how high the clamps were, but just offset the craft up in the SPH and winged (wung?) it from there.
  14. Like many others, I am fascinated by the optimizations that people can squeak out of this game, and have tried my hand at it myself. The post by ZG Alpaca, I think, is a great start to introducing some competitive innovation to this classic challenge. Being a member of other communities with similar concepts, I decided to incorporate their formats into KSP to make a new, more comprehensive list of the different challenges and achievements that are possible. The list I came up with is in the form of a Google Sheet, so that it is more organized and has more potential for expansion into other kinds of optimization in the future if this does well or if someone has a good idea. To go along with this, I made a discord server for this so that discussion and a potential community is not limited to forum posts (though of course this thread may be used for submissions). Here is the link for the server and the list itself: List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n8eY4omh_zHhwIawUMQayXYKfIoeIkssJcgpl7PPFP0/edit#gid=0 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/a44dQA2U4j The part of this that I am the most excited about is a new kind of challenge that I came up with (though of course it has been done by other people), which is the "Most Landings for Least Mass" challenge (it needs a catchier name I know). The rules are simple: go to as many bodies as you can for the least mass. However, to avoid limiting the player to a Grand Tour, I allowed for landing on the same body multiple times, provided they landed on Kerbin in between those landings (see list for better rules). I included the missions that are already on the list in this challenge, since they certainly should qualify. Lastly, I just want to note that there are many blank spots on the list. I transferred the missions from the old list to the sheet, as well as adding some run that I knew about, but the leaderboards are very incomplete and some missions are completely blank. Hopefully this incentivizes attention being given to those bodies, as each provides unique challenge for the player. I hope I said everything I needed to say, and I hope this isn't a bad idea!
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