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Everything posted by KerbolRacer21

  1. The Ketchup has escaped in his Bugatti Sir! Engaging pursuit immediatly!
  2. If you do sell sandwiches make sure that you have PB&J! (Just some business tips)
  3. I like vectors but without tweakscale they feel left out compared to like 60 mammoth engines.
  4. Ok my fav is the mammoth because i like to just absoulutely destroy my computer's CPU.
  5. @DDE The heck is your job??!! Something depressing in my life is how whenever i try to load my 30,000 part BIG Boi plane is just breaks apart on the runway and now it won't ever load in the sph. Bye bye half of my year
  6. Nope i found that the post dates go like this 10, 5, 1, 0 anyway @Trekkette
  7. Is this place for people talking about bad/painful things in their life? When i see that stuff i think its a marketing ad for haas formula 1 because netflix is spying on me while i binge watch bro i just relized there's this guy who fixes his (i'm not going to say details for privacy reasons) _________'s doorknob for extra ______ anybody else here whos messages keep mergeing
  8. Type your favorite engines out of the listed: Nerv Atomic Engine Mammoth Liquid Fuel Engine Rapier Jet Engine Mainsail Engine Vector Engine Clynsdale Solid Fuel Also (hopefully without breaking any rules) please like my thingamajig to improve my credit. ~Cheers
  9. R u guys using mods or is ur version outdated?
  10. Floor 4592: A theater showing "Fast and Furious Z" with crowds of yelling kerbals.
  11. Floor 4589: A giant mechanical Jeb annilating a kyper belt Floor 4590: 1000 Valentina Kermans spanking a banana
  12. btw do you like making vechiles (srry my speeling is bad)?
  13. Hallo. What does lead moderator mean? @Jeb x Valentina I made a formula f car that goes bout 160 m/s and can take good turns at around 90 m/s
  14. I will replace it with Eve Atmosphere Bog soup immediatly! Warning! Do not ask for the ingredients! The Second part sir? 20 year old Kerson Cow meat.... What are your further orders?
  15. No sir. It was radioactive matieral from Jeb's snack bin
  16. That sounds crazy cool! You into mod work? You into mod work? oops sorry my computer glitched AGHHH THEY KEEP MERGING
  17. Post images of your race car, specs, and please keep them stock! ~Cheers
  18. It'll get cheaper once it isn't "early access" and a lot of the parts are glitchy so yeah that's why. Although the graphics are a lot better...
  19. Hallo yall! pls do for ksp 1. I'm waiting till ksp 2 is finished to buy it. Also could you please expand to curseforge?
  20. If possible please post it on kerbalX too!
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