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Everything posted by NovyNovatic

  1. oh, I didn't know that, I tried it and it's working now, thanks a bunch! feel kinda dumb now lol
  2. I use CKAN, and I am using the Commnet Constellations mod, on any signal, in distance and correctly set up, I get no signal and it goes to partial control, I had to uninstall and reinstall my game completely at one point, from a different bug, and did the same to my modlist, and after it stopped working, not sure if I added a bad mod on accident, I'd really like to be able to continue to use Constellations. log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fn41y6qwz8yz36ointlv6/KSP.log?rlkey=iyhl1qh0bkw3m4e4kujv6n5i3&dl=0 I'm not exactly sure how to share the modlist without sending a download for the .ckan export if there's a different/better mod with similar functionality I would also be up to using that!
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