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Everything posted by Iapetus7342

  1. As users14 said above, ensure you have the latest Parallax version. Deferred Rendering only works with versions higher than 2.0.8.
  2. Here's the answers Feel free to get JNSQ if you want. Remember the mod's dependencies. I highly advise you to get JNSQ from CKAN. JNSQ is compatible with Kcalbeloh, as it has a compatablilty patch to resize the Kcalbeloh system to 2.5x stock scale. Easter eggs are likely moved as JNSQ revamps the heightmaps of the planets.
  3. Not to my knowledge, although if you have some experience in programming and art design you might be able to whip up your own Space Agency Solar System with Kopernicus.
  4. i couldn't resist (whats the sample for gradiations of arms length)
  5. Sometimes i look at the state of Google and Youtube and think to myself "They seriously expect us to use their services while they treat us as walking moneybags? pathetic." It is for this reason that i switched to firefox.
  6. FIRST POST HERE! One day, a new star was spotted on the edge of Kerbol's SOI, being designated DG-03e. The star got closer, revealing it had 2 exoplanets. As it got closer the kerbals realised one thing: it was on a collision course with the inner system. In a panic the kerbals launched many interstellar escape craft, managing to secure a future for themselves among the stars, something Kerbin itself would never see. 3 months after the last escape ship left for the Kaywell system, DG-03e (referred to from now on as Denoument) finally captured Eve, Gilly, Kerbin, Duna, Minmus, and during it's time in the outer system, Sarnus and it's moons. Kerbin was the most unlucky as repeated gravassists from Sarnus and Eve, along with Kerbol desperately trying to peel Kerbin away from Denoument all led to the now-brown marble crashing into the orange dwarf. After this the system stabilised at the cost of one of Denoument's exoplanets (Fragments) being destroyed during Kerbins last moments. Next demolition - Kerbin being knocked down to make way for a bypass.
  7. Yoink! the cookie is now in my car.
  8. Vitoze was one of the few members of Project Toothpick's second launch to the Kcalbeloh system that stayed behind in orbit of Rouqea, being chosen to help with any technical faults that may occur aboard the vessel before it's scheduled return to Kerbin. During the 3 year exploratory phase of the Rouqea mission, she had gotten word of a new space station operated by the Skotslund Space Agency orbiting the planet having some technical issues. Since the only hauler available was not enough to get there she decided to board it anyways, planning to become the first kerbal to transfer to a different station using their EVA pack. It took a few hours but Vitoze was too focused to notice the O2 alarm, indicating her oxygen was running low. She did get to the station but it was too late to stay alive as by the time she had pressed the airlock cycle button she fell into unconsciousness. Ervo Kerman - Falling into Kcalbeloh after a catastrophic computer failure.
  9. Coral Kerman was a very ocean-obsessed astronaut, so he was over the Mun when he was accepted for a mission to the recently discovered habitable ocean moon of AZ-82b! After taking a ride on the newly built interstellar vessel Project Toothpick, he had arrived at the overly blue marble, a place so beautiful to him that he thought the Kraken had talored it to him specifically. Coral Kerman then boarded TT-02, a Toothpick Truck (basically a lander designed to haul equipment and colony supplies from Project Toothpick to the surface of the target planet) with the other kerbals assigned to it (Jebediah Kerman, Bob Kerman and Ximen Kerman). One short reentry and landing proceedure later, he was at his new home. Coral JUST couldn't wait and the first thing he did after the hatch opened was to dive into the coral reef near their island landing spot, so excited that he failed to hear Ximen's warning and completely forgot his diving gear. By the time Coral realised what he had just gotten himself into (about 35 seconds after splashing down) it was too late and the lack of a safety suit, combined with the Reef's trance leading him to dive around 200 meters below sea level and a very hungry member of the native species now known as Vultus Limunaria passing by all lead to his unfortunate death. Eurika Kerman - Diving too deep and being crushed by extreme pressure.
  10. 977 Egad a base tone denotes a bad age
  12. On the 34th day of Christmas, Jeb gave to me: 34 Munar Meteors, 33 landers without ladders, 32 martian potatoes, 31 busted RTGs, 30 broken launch pads, 29 honorable mentions, 28 memory leaks, 27 model rockets, 26 Kerbals singing carols, 25 Maneuver nodes, 24 heat shields ah shielding, 23 Failed Shuttles, 22 Tylo landings, 21 golden probes, 20 fires a blazing, 19 Kerbals riding SRBs on EVA, 18 rovers a-flipped over, 17 page essays on the pluses of using only srbs for my rocket,16 rcs blocks, 15 KNR tours, 14 pickles ,13 headaches, 12 entire Kerbins, 11 Gigantor Solar Panels, 10 crashed rockets, 9 days of work, 8 Deep Space Networks, 7 trips under the KSC bridge, 6 nuclear pulse rockets, 5 stars that are collapsing themselves, 4 mammoth engines, 3 modded installs of KSP, 2 kraken doves, and a rocket made of pear trees.
  13. 982 How many kerbals would it take to circumnavigate Jool? We don't know, they're all stuck in interstellar space.
  14. A Voyager Golden Record in a green-and-blue void with only the Pulsar map would easily be vaporised by a Protoss mothership. RIP my pfp
  16. Micrometeorites beat the Immortals.
  17. It turns out that the Planet Buster can't delete something that doesn't exist. TwoCalories wins. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
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