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Everything posted by RedAl1en1

  1. Nope. But i'm here now! Possibly @Ultimate Steve? PS : sorry i havent been active the last few days. life happened
  2. No, Thank YOU for everything you've done for the forums. This is sad to see it go.
  3. Galactus eats the comet, what did you expect? @ColdJ wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  4. Hello Jim.

  5. Banned for liking calvin and hobbs.
  6. Split pea soup then, sir? Waiter! There's a enderman in my soup!
  7. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  8. The launch delay... well delays the launch @Aviator01 Wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  9. Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  10. Ksp 1 and i love sandbox. RN i am playing subnautica. But i hope i can find some time to play ksp today.
  12. I see Well in that case i hire an assasin to kill you MY HILL!
  13. This is not lord of the rings @ColdJ. I sue you and win. My hill with all of coldj's stuff.
  14. I wet the mountain and it gets eroded back into a hill. I then plant a flag on said hill. The KSC flag. My hill.
  15. Hai. I have been playing ksp for 6 months now? As you can see i am new.
  16. The asteroid smacks into the aurora and it suffers critical hull failure. @ColdJ Wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  17. The star gate sucks in the feather. @ColdJ Wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do! Also i have done more then five posts. Why am i still having to be moderated?
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