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Everything posted by UltraViolet

  1. I am having an issue where the kerbals from this mod are spawning for hire in the astronaut complex. I have made an issue on github which includes the log file.
  2. I am having issues with Universal Storage 2 spamming the log with "USCostSwitch.GetModuleMass, CurrentSelection: 1". I also created an issue on bitbucket but thought I would PM it to you here as well but apparently new accounts can't message. Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ivorn3fkzl6j1f0fxu137/AG8xq4DjXaU8DxF0yUd0FzA?rlkey=jibgfq0yw7zikryv735zj1jjx&st=jw3ma0tn&dl=0
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