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Everything posted by Bekiekutmoar

  1. Its the Twilight Zone ... ! Gotta say that moon looks a bit banged up.
  2. Fixed version ... Now its time to fabricate a decent lander.
  3. Well, the solution to this problem was indeed very simple and obvious; I can't believe I overlooked it ... ! After the adjustments, I raised my apoapsis around Kerbol to around 29,5 million km, one orbit around the sun now took 212 days. Kerbin makes one orbit in 106 days, so I succesfully encountered the planet 212 days after leaving Kerbin SOI. After establishing a stable orbit around Kerbin (between 90 - 140 km) around 4100 liters of fuel was left usable. No pics available yet.
  4. Hmmm, I'd say the Mars equivalent, Duna. The interesting landscape and reddish looks creates a nice 'alien' ambience, yet somewhat recognizable due to Mars being a hot item in the media nowadays. Laythe, the ocean moon around the gas giant, is also on my top-list to visit. Covered in some kind of liquid, dense atmosphere, and probably a fascinating view on the gas giant.
  5. I have an ancient computer with Pentium IV 3,0Ghz, 2GB RAM and 8800GT video card, but this vessel (certainly capable of performing interplanetary flight) doesn't turn my computer in a pile of smoking rubble at all. Several seconds after liftoff 2-4 fps, but smooth after that.
  6. Ik meende ergens vernomen te hebben dat versie 0.17 deze septembermaand gerealiseerd zal worden. Zal in ieder geval een heel interessante update worden met een redelijk aantal nieuwe manen & planeten. Ik vermoed wel dat de ontwikkelaars de planeet Moho níet zullen implementeren omdat dat ding schijnbaar nog foeilelijk oogt en voorlopig niet geschikt voor publicatie. Mwah, ik zal toch eerst focussen op de Marsachtige planeet Duna.
  7. Thanks for you input r-rolo1 ... ! I eject the four lateral engines relative early to reduce mass while navigating (deep) space, the vessel isn't supposed to land on a celestial body. However, I've looked at your redesign and it does makes sense. Trying it now ...
  8. Found the problem (I think): when manually disabling fuel flow from the largest tank, it cannot be enabled again when the two smaller tanks are detached. Don't know the reason for this issue, but at least I've found a workaround ... !
  9. Hmmm, I'll try some changes at fuel line construction ...
  10. The Worldship is a large vessel meant for interplanetary travel. It is designed for participation in joined interplanetary missions and to observe a planet or moon from orbit. The Worldship is quite large but fuel-efficient due to a somewhat unconventional design, and last but not least; it is CPU-friendly ... ! However, this prototype presents a serious problem and I hope you guys can give me some advise ... ! The three large fuel tanks are crucial; they contain 6400 liters of fuel when full and are connected to the engine with fuel lines. In this stage there's no problem. But when the two smaller fuel tanks are empty and detached, fuel transfer from the largest tank is blocked, despite correct fuel connection to the engine. 3200 liters of fuel is unusable and my ship is now essentially a giant useless firecracker. Has anyone a explanation and/or solution for this problem ... ?
  11. Nah, I'll just do bi-elleptic transfer to reach Moho; less fuel required ... !
  12. What is known about the new celestial objects so far? Kerbol: quite hot and emits light Moho: scorched planet close to Kerbol, distance 1 million km or less. Attempting to land on the dayside results in incineration of your ship (solar radiation?). Eve: most likely the largest terrestrial planet in the Kerbal System, 1400 km diameter. Gravity 170% of that of Kerbin, atmospheric pressure roughly 500%. Contains oceans of some metallic liquid. Environment most likely blistering hot. Distance to Kerbol: 7,8 million km - distance to Kerbin: between 5,7 and 21,3 million km. Gilly: moon of Eve. Basically an asteroid, with 26 km diameter the smallest celestial object in the system. Distance to Eve rougly 12000 km (based on pics) Duna: orbits Kerbol at around 20 million km, distance to Kerbin between roughly 6 and 34 million km. Atmospheric pressure between 2 and 20% of that of Kerbin. Ike: moon of Duna, looks like the Mun. No atmosphere. Jool: green gas giant at (very) roughly 35 million km from Kerbol, distance to Kerbin between 22 and 57 million km. Little is known about Jool. Laythe: moon of Jool. Interesting moon actually with oceans of unknown substance and a dense atmosphere. Gravitational forces prevents Laythe from freezing over completely. Vall: icey moon of Jool. Tylo: rockey moon of Jool. Bop: rockey moon of Jool. Possibly smaller than Minmus.
  13. Didn't thought about that ... ! Here it is.
  14. Sure ... ! Although I've yet to find out how to do that.
  15. I've designed a ship for interplanetary travel in the upcoming update, but I decided to unleash the vessel on the two moons to test Hohmann-transfers and fuel consumption. The initial plan was to do Kerbin - Mun - Minmus - Mun - Kerbin, but the journey wasn't without problems: Rocket prior to launch And launch ... The SRB's were a great help for lifting but also made the vessel somewhat unstable. Stability was regained after SRB's were decoupled. In orbit. Leaving Kerbin behind for the first target: the Mun And insertion into Munar SOI Descent over the barren landscape of the Mun Landing was a bit risky because of the tall ship. Bill had to catch some fresh air outside ... ! Munar ascent ... Leaving Munar SOI and on to the second destination: Minmus Approaching Minmus ... Descent over the mint green landscape. I was about to make a big mistake ..... I overestimated the thrust of the engine and began final retroburn at 9 km altitude, way too late ... ! I was forced to detach 4 nearly full fuel-tanks with landing-gear to prevent slamming into the surface. However, I still managed to land on the surface. Due to my mistake, available fuel reduced with roughly 80% and another descent on the Mun had to be aborted. Time to get back home ... Approaching Kerbin Aerobraking ... ! Final landing didn't went flawless, at least Bill turned out to be in one piece.
  16. Such a rocket would turn my computer in a pile of smoking rubble too, but we might handle this problem by sending two ships (one orbiter, one lander). One-way mission is also a possibility, but that means condemning one or more Kerbals to be stranded in a purple hell.
  17. The red planet (Mars equivalent): relative easy to reach, although not the closest planet to Kerbin. Gravity and atmospheric pressure are in favour of a succesfull return-trip. A well designed middle-sized ship would be sufficient I think. The charred planet near Kerbol: requires lots of fuel to reach this destination or a bi-elleptic transfer. I assume gravity and atmospheric pressure aren't too bad either for a return-trip. Don't know if solar heat will be simulated in 0.17 however. Eve: not too difficult to reach I guess, but gravity and dense atmosphere makes return-trips an extremely difficult task. Eve could be a purple hell if temperature simulation gets implemented. Mission with 2 ships required ... ? Gas Giant: large amount of fuel required but the SOI is probably large; makes the planet easier to target ...
  18. Would be nice if the surface of the LLP (LavalessPlanet) looks something like this ...
  19. Attempting to eyeball the distances of the planets to the sun (Kerbol) ... LLP: less than 1 million km (?) Eve: 7-8 million km Kerbin: 13,5 million km Red Planet: around 20 million km Gas Giant: 38-40 million km
  20. I hope Charr is extremely close to Kerbol, like 500 000 km or so. The sight of a intimidating large Kerbol (with maybe even sunspots visible) over the hellish landscape of Charr would be awesome. At that distance, Kerbol would appear twice as large as Kerbin appears from the Munar surface.
  21. I'm also curious about the appearance of the sun from the different celestial bodies in the Kerbal System. According to the Wiki, the diameter of Kerbol is somewhere between 120000 and 130000 km. Seen from a orbital distance of 1,2 miljoen km, the sun would appear roughly as big as Kerbin appears from the surface of the Mun. From Kerbin, the sun would have seemingly the same size as Kerbin seen from 120000-130000 km. That's small, but a shiny sprite handles this minor problem effectively ... !
  22. The sunlit side of Charr molten lava? Hmmm, that means a position (very) close to Kerbol. I wonder if a lava animation would be implemented. Maybe a water animation but with other colors?
  23. Well, I gotta say the new sun model looks good. Eve too, are those grey areas molten metallic substances ... ?
  24. OK, thanks for the info ... ! Based on our Solar System but with an interesting twist. Well, I think that Kerbol is a red dwarf and the thick atmosphere of Kerbin prevents the planet from becoming a frozen world. The Mars equivalent will probably be several million km closer to Kerbol, but because of its thin atmosphere it could be colder than Kerbin. I think Eve might be very hot due to an extremely dense atmosphere and being even closer to Kerbol.
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