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Everything posted by TheKSPexperimenter

  1. due to ShadowZone's analysis/research, it has come to light that KSP has been sold. I wonder if this means that KSP 2 might have a revival or KSP 1 is getting more content? I hope that the future of KSP 2 will come to light soon...
  2. ok, No problemo ok, so, you all like this? have other people done the same thing or differently?
  3. what i'm posting here was not intended for "do the actual mission" thing... I was only here to post some screenshots of the places that I went for fun
  4. man, I could barely land on the mun without crashing...
  5. well, i used cheats to get the probes to the planets for the screenshots... at least i can show you the map view of the planets if u want
  6. here's a screenshot complication with planets from planet jam 3 and KI with distant object enhancement, scatterer, TUFX (Sigma) and other things, I hope you find this very beautiful. the probes i made are called the 'Gas Giant Descender' and its variations, mainly using airbrakes to slow the fall... https://ibb.co/B4qSbNK https://ibb.co/74R6W0B https://ibb.co/ZMyjPc4 https://ibb.co/kgxBsHN took some more screenshots, with the planets: https://ibb.co/ggQ9xvH https://ibb.co/R0snmkT https://ibb.co/Y83wMXq https://ibb.co/2y0Rz9S https://ibb.co/wrcMGKT https://ibb.co/HBN2BQV https://ibb.co/LdQ6L0R https://ibb.co/87CyPx7 https://ibb.co/2s1Yg3L https://ibb.co/LNmb9kd planets are from the Planet jam 3 and KI along with Kerbol Expansion , i cannot claim copyright of the screenshots as the images are from the planet pack's Authors... However, you can use them for private reasons P.S. Tell me what screenshot you like also, i'm always trying to post more screenshots so there's no boredom of seeing the same thing mod-list... note i'm using a MacBook Air; Version MacOS 15.1.1 with 8gb memory... but the game works with all the mods... https://ibb.co/FwwBF79
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