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Posts posted by Darrknox

  1. Woah, not sure what the dosage you had prescribed, but here it was like $5 usd for a bottle of 120 5mg melatonin pills non prescription.

    So I\'ve always got a bottle at hand :)

    Haha, I\'m looking at my bottle right now, exactly what I have :D

  2. You think its silly. I think its the same principle.

    The same principle is highly vague consider principles are derived from the components that make them up. Objectively looking at this situation there are only 1/10000000th similar issues, statistically irrelevant. This father loves his daughter to death, he really cares about her. That alone irrevocably disassociates any similar principles; one from love, the other from hate.

  3. Just don\'t get into addiction. Most people don\'t really need sleeping pills, try some different methods.

    Haha, I don\'t think you\'ve ever had insomnia. The point of medication is that you\'ve tried all other methods. Melatonin is non addictive, you won\'t be in a dark alley at 12am trying to get your next bottle. There are a lot of pills that are non addictive, caffeine is often far more addictive than pills.

  4. I have insomnia, and I take one 5mg tablet of time release melatonin about an hour before I got to sleep. It helps make you tired and gets you 8 hours of sleep, it\'s not even prescription either. It\'s just an amazing dietary supplement you can buy a wall greens or cvs.

  5. Unity is no UDK, especially since the devs are building from scratch. So polycount is something one needs to keep in mind, but it really depends on what you\'re building and how much of it you can just texture, and how much of it looks better as actual geometry. The vanilla parts are 90% textures, but that hasn\'t stopped a lot of people from going crazy with geometry. Sometimes people can\'t use those mods, but for the most part it all works the same. The problem comes in when people are building larger, and larger rockets. If everyone has large tris counts, it\'s going to slow down the game in rendering all those models at once. But even that depends on how much ram you have, and what not. Generally though, if you make your mods optimized you\'ll have more fans.

  6. SOPA isn\'t dead. The letters I received from my congress and senator members indicated it was merely shelved for later reviewal (pulled from current discussions) and to be possibly replaced with something called the 'Open IP' act.

    I would like to give you an update as to where the proposed legislation is in the process. The Protect IP Act was scheduled to go to the Senate floor for a procedural vote on January 23, 2011. Due to the effective grassroots advocacy and public outcry against the bill, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has pulled the proposed legislation from the floor calendar.

    -Maria Cantwell; United States Senator

    Now, I encourage Congress to consider the OPEN Act, which addresses illegal piracy and security while keeping the Internet open for free speech and innovation. The OPEN Act would build on the existing legal framework for resolving unfair acts in the importation of articles, including those that infringe a valid and enforceable U.S. patent, copyright, or trademark. Through the International Trade Commission, violations of digital trade can be investigated and websites found to be 'willfully' and 'primarily' infringing on copyright material can be shut down. The ITC will create a transparent and adversarial process where all parties would receive due process and IP rules can be consistently applied. Neither the Stop Online Piracy Act in the House nor the Protect IP Act in the Senate allow for similar due process.

    -Maria Cantwell; United States Senator

  7. That\'s a bit of a stretch...

    And yes i realise that they might be on the same servers as the other language wikipedia\'s, but still, wouldn\'t it be possible to actually blank the english language one, is my point.

    For 24 hours? That\'s extremely unnecessary.

  8. Yes, but what i am saying is, because the entire English Wikipedia is effected, there is no reason why they couldn\'t have actually taken it down, instead of made a script run a screen after the page is loaded.

    Unless all the wiki pages are hosted on one server. In which case, taking the English one down would take all of them down.

    ...Wikipedia runs on fewer than 300 servers from a single data center in Tampa, Fla. [sic] http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2008/06/24/a-look-inside-wikipedias-infrastructure/

    After a few seconds of searching...

    So, as was stated earlier, etc etc

  9. That\'s pretty much irrelevant if they can make something like an O\' Neill cylinder or Stanford torus-which they should be able to, if they can make interstellar invasion ships. One asteroid field=few thousand Earths worth of area, no invasion necessary.

    Well, that\'s something we\'d never fully be able to answer due to the ambiguity of our questions. We may have ideas behind artificial worlds, but we\'re so limited in the understanding of the architecture and process required to build them, we can\'t say for sure they\'re as easily feasible as interstellar crafts. They\'re built from so many facets of scientific understanding. Robotics, physics, ecology, cybernetics. We\'re talking about crazy ideas from the mid seventies. Everything is simple when you boil it down and say 'well, we\'ll cross that bridge when we come to it.' Or 'they should be able to.' Where are they getting all the raw organic materials from to furnish these artificial worlds?

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