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Jon Tash

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Posts posted by Jon Tash

  1. 1 minute ago, Athen said:

    can we get a source for that?

    From here https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/game/kerbal-space-program-2/



    The technological developments made to the foundations of Kerbal Space Program 2 will build on the beloved modding capabilities of the original game, as well as deliver on the long-requested addition of multiplayer. Soon players will be able to share the challenges of deep space exploration. More details on these features will be revealed at a later time.

  2. I run with life support mod so time isn't an issue, snack are. I only send Kerbals out when I'm certain of their survivability out there, so long missions are very rare and or very complex.

  3. On 2/17/2019 at 4:58 AM, 5thHorseman said:

    Anybody who bought the game before the cutoff date can transfer to Steam. It also cancels your ability to download from the KSP website IIRC. I don't have any direct experience with it as I bought the game after the cutoff date.

    Can confirm, I bought the game a really long time ago( the first payable version if I remember) and I haven't transferred to Steam yet, I don't intent to. But the option is still there for those like me that have bought before the cuttoff date.

  4. I had a very complicated one before but now since 1.5 I use a more simple.

    First letter is what type of craft it is. Like,

    F for Flyer meaning anything that flies in atmosphere like planes.

    O for Orbiter, anything that can land and can get to orbit, mostly on low gravity bodies. They are mostly landers.

    ST for Stations

    S for Satellite and Relays

    P for Probes, anything that I launch that is supposed to go to a specific target and get data of it.

    R for Rovers

    V for Vessel meaning anything that transport Kerbals, get to orbit do whatever mission it is supposed to do then get back to Kerbin in a capsule. 

    Then I add its name that I take mostly from ancient gods or names I like. Then a roman numeric number to tell which version it is.

    And you get something like this : S - Deimos II or ST - Mirai I.



  5. 6 hours ago, Nich said:

    @Jon Tash hit it on the head.  Because the Muns SOI is so small even at AP a 180 will cost 120ish dv.  Instead I did a 6 dv burn at and PE left the Muns soi and timed it so that my exit vector was ahead and above the Muns orbit so I would reencounter the Mun in about a 1/4 orbit but in the opposite direction and then had a 4 dv burn to capture.

    Forgot how to imbed images so here is a link.


    I was pretty logic to me to do that manoeuvre.

  6. You went back to kerbin orbit and then burned to get in a retrograde orbit on the Mun (compared to whatever you were suppose to save) to get it?

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