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Jon Tash

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Posts posted by Jon Tash

  1. After messing around with the spaceplane originated from the design of Deadweasel.



    I finally decided to make my plan of colonizing Eeloo a reality.

    Here is the first step. The lander, capable of placing a probe in the orbit of Eeloo and landing on the icy planet.



    This is obviously only the lander, the stage that is capable of interplanetary voyage is still in the VAB.

    Once done, I will assemble the ship in orbit of Kerbin and say goodbye.

    My plan is to make a autonomous base on Eeloo and relocate everything (VAB and SPH) there.

  2. You will need:

    • B9 Aerospace
    • Procedural wings
    • Aviation lights
    • Fueltastic

    Hit "i" at launch to see the assigned action groups.

    If it won't load because I didn't mention a needed part, please let me know and I'll correct the grievous and heinous error (or provide a version that doesn't use that part if you like)!

    Excellent information, you sir deserve a Potato of Awesome Award!

    Oh by the way, I got the design in my head, at least the simple shape of it.


    But now that you showed this blueprint I can make it usefull for my space program! Thanks!! :D

  3. Heh cute little bugger.

    Question on the G+ front (since I just know we're all going to be forced over there eventually): have you found a way to just copy the link like Picasa currently does (auto-resized and all), or do you just copy image URL from the browser itself?

    Nope, I haven't figured that out yet. I had to open the image at a new tab to actually copy the url.

    I prefer imgur tough.

  4. So I had a dream where I modified the shields from LLL to act like wings and build a tiny ship with it.When I woke up I had to try it out.

    And here it is. I was amazed that it actually worked.



    I went farther than I actually wanted in my test run of the experimental ship. I took it to Duna.



    Billfred was proud. :)

  5. Before the 0.17 update of KSP I had some experience with the kraken, it was an interesting bug, frustrating sometimes too.

    But the kraken was dealt with the Krakenbane. Everything that happens after the 0.17 update is not the kraken anymore, it's something else.

    I hadn't any issues since 0.17.

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