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Jon Tash

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Posts posted by Jon Tash

  1. Hey Kommitz, I've been using these for a long time now, still do.

    One thing poped in .25 tho, the 280 engine has a white texture. So far it is the only piece that does it.

    Maybe it's an easy fix, but I wouldn't know.

    Let me (us) know if/when it's fixed (or anyone for that matter if you manage to fix it).

    Nevermind it fixed it on it's own. must've been a .25 thingie.

    Good work on this mod and thanks for keeping it updated!

    Edit2: and now the problem is back... only piece doing it is the 280 engine.

    No Idea man. Would appreciate if you have time that you give it a look as it is most likely something minor.


    Are you using Active Texture Management? If so, it can happen sometimes but I thought this had been fixed with one of the new updates.

  2. Hmm, It depends on my play style I guess. If I'm doing career mode then I suppose I'm 3.5. I pack just enough Dv for the mission and reuse a lot of my rockets and spaceplanes. When I'm playing sandbox mode, I build mainly for fun but I always plan to have the most possible Dv that I can fit with the part count being the smallest possible (not a good PC). Which I think would be 0 in your scale.

    But in both modes I tend to build rockets and planes that makes the job done (which means that my Munar lander is not the same as my Minmus lander). And I tend to land near the place I launched if I'm in a rocket or land on the runway if I'm in a plane.

  3. Extra credits view of why demos are a bad thing ...or better why we no longer see so many of them

    thought it would be relevant given this games state of the demo

    personally id rather the devs spend time developing the game and not fixing an old demo that may not even help

    Where did you heard that the devs are spending time fixing the old demo? AFAIK the state of the current demo for KSP is there to stay, they won't be fixing anything anymore. That's what they said when the demo was released (because the previous demo was pretty old). The current demo is suppose to give you the experience to achieve as far as Munar landings and that's it, not the rest of the system.

  4. In this update I won't play a career savegame, because I really don't see a big difference from the previous update. The strategies don't interest me, neither does the difficulty settings (I have mods for that). I feel that the career mode isn't going where I hoped it to be, I'm still waiting for the tycoon-ish things that Harvester talked about in a stream (about 1 or 2 years ago).

    I'm looking forward for the 0.26 Devlog and the future of this game. I will be playing sandbox tough but less than before. Right now I'm back in Homeworld 2 mods.

  5. Don't blame yourself for not being able to do some of the things the people you see here can do.

    Don't forget that most people here have been playing for months, or even years. Skill comes with experience. You to will learn to do those things.

    Exactly, don't feel bad if you can't do some things, with time everyone learns the how to.

  6. So, let me see this.

    Q: Have you ever achieved a stable orbit around Kerbin?(2 points)


    Q: Have you ever landed and returned from the Mun?(4 points)


    Q: Have you ever landed and returned from Minmus?(4 points)


    Q: On how many objects outside the Kerbin system(which includes Kerbin, the Mun and Minmus) have you landed on(doesn't have to be a return mission)(2 points per object, or 24 if you've landed on all)


    Q: Have you ever successfully docked?(10 points)


    Q: Have you ever intercepted an asteroid?(16 points)


    Optional question 1(if you use mods): How many of the following difficulty enhancing mods: TAC life support, Remote Tech, Deadly Reentry, FAR, RSS; have you used at the same time in a save?(4 points per mod)

    16/76 I haven't used RSS with those mods together yet but it's on my list on doing when I get a better computer.

    Q: On which of the following objects outside the Kerbin system have you done successful return missions: Duna(2.5 points), Ike(2.5 points), Dres(5 points), Moho(5 points), Gilly(5 points), Laythe(10 points), Vall(10 points), Bop(10 points), Pol(10 points), Tylo(15 points), Eeloo(15 points), Eve(30 points)

    120/196 Yes I have done it for all of them but not all of them in the same savegame.

    196/20 = 9.8

    It's quite high score there but not really impressive if you play almost every day since 0.8.

  7. It isn't that re-playable, and gets tedious really quick. And boring as well

    Tell that to the people playing the game since version 0.8 like me.

    For me the game is worth way more than the time I spend playing the game but just to stay like every other game I guess a price tag between 20 and 60 would be alright (only once it's done).

  8. Why do we have to watch a normal Duna Mission like everyone done it 100 times to get to know the secret feature? Its way to late (01:47) in Germany for such boring things...

    I hope there will be a summary for those who dont watch the stream.

    Yeah, it's boring, what I'm doing at the same time is watching the AngryJoeShow twitch stream, he is previewing Civilization: Beyond Earth. It's way more fun and at the same time pass the time.

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