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Posts posted by Atimed

  1. Thanks, now all I need to figure out is why it doesn't show on my map..

    -Icons don't show derby that in the atmosphere while your in orbit view..

    -Other part explode when they contact ground.. all but the Structural Pylons for some reason they have their resistance set to 999..

    So my guess is that that are leftover structural pylons that survived impact..

    - Only thing i can think of ATM. Still need some testing..

    - Hard to find things you dropped from orbit.. But i'll give it a try and see if i find something similar..

  2. I need some help about this line of code?

    What input dose it change? or are they keys to enable filters in-game?










  3. I feel like a russian experiment gone wrong trying to fly. so using several of Tosh's mods i am making a voyage ON LAND over to KSC2 im using the truck along with several mk. 1 jet fuel tanks and the .5m push prop from damned aerospace and some tail fins to create an amphibious vehicle to get there. about 2 hours real time and 1 hour so far waiting for sun to rise again. ill get pics up when i get them after i hit KSC2.

    only part way across Africa (What i call the continent that KSC is on) just got over the mountain range just West of KSC Autosaving every once and a while. All so i dont have to fly a plane for 30 minutes.

    To pass time im watching Lost on my second monitor. See ya soon.

    -Some crazy voyage you got there planed.. Cant wait to see pictures..

  4. This may have been mentioned (or done!), but I think that having a menu where you could get facts on Kerbin would be useful.

    For example: Mass, radius, rotation speed.

    Just useful facts for planning a voyage.

    Also, you know how we can switch between orbital and surface speed? I think that changing the altimeter so that it has a altitude above surface setting, and an altitude over centre of mass setting may also help.

    If this has been done or I'm being silly then please ignore this post.

    Planet information aren't added in the vanilla game, some mods show them..

    And I hope they don't get added by default.. Not knowing what you'r facing with and going in to find out.. sound Fun to me..

    Gravity, Radius, Mass.. All that u can approximate with 2 or 3 formulas once your in orbit of that body..

    I don't think atmosphere is possible to calculate but there are methods to find out where it starts/ends..

    But there's more than enough room in the scientific tab for sensors and other tools, that could later show you the stats you need..

  5. I have stumbled upon an unidentified object showing on my landed pod's visor, it is 35.9km eastwards from 0° 8' 23" N 3° 25' 22" W.



    I tried reaching it with a heavy duty spaceplane, but ran out of fuel halfway. Not wanting to sit in front of the game doing minor flight maneuvers for over half an hour, I turn to you, fellow forum members! I know some of you can easily land a rocket there with mechjeb, or some other clever way of reaching it, so I ask for confirmation on visual of this object, so my heart can rest (without worrying that my game is broken)

    And no, I don't have any debris there.


    I got to your location using a suborbital plane, but i just see ocean in the heading.. But judging from the image its just terrain generation..

    What are your Graphics Detail settings btw?

  6. * Center of mass, thrust, lift and drag visual cues on the construction scenes.

    Assigned to: HarvesteR

    Status: CoM, CoT and CoL added.

    Since this features got implemented it got me thinking on how things might be used to improve plane/rocket designs..

    And I come to conclusion that the center of mass is the best place for putting a S.A.S module.. If necessary..

    Since most of my rockets are back heavy..The "Optimal" place to put them tends to go between tanks in a stage..

    This i not relay a issue a fuel line couldn't solve.. But why should we need to place them..

    I propose that S.A.S modules should have by default "Fuel Crossfed" Enabled..

    I am aware it is easily tweakable and doable your self.. Small Mood patch perhaps..

    But such a small change in conuction with the new UI might make thigs even more user frendly..

    What are your thoughts? Sugestions?

  7. oh ****, this thing uses Unity? that explains a big part of it :(

    but ok, I'll go against my logic and take your word on the possibility of improvement on such a fundamental aspect.

    And I guess, any aspect of base intended parts, won't have to be "soft" bodies as you call them so that in itself sounds like good news.

    I'm not sure but i think "Rigid-bodies" are the core feature, because each rocket part acts like a independent module, that's why they break apart, each having its velocity,strength,heat,mass, pressure,drag.. etc..

    They (might be) are using Rigid-body based simulation mechanics..

    For more info a Dev should have more accurate answers..

    ...In KSP, ships aren't simulated as a single physical point, with forces and torques acting on it. They're simulated as multiple linked rigidbodies, each with its own velocity...
  8. Unity on its own isn't the most powerful engine out there but it could handle a lot more than you think..

    Game is still i Alpha and ATM they are just adding content, without proper optimization..

    We/You need to be patient until Beta, Then will they start working on the optimization..

    About the lag, its simulation anything that in 2.5km radius from the current craft.. so your 6 landers and each 20 parts..

    That's ~120 Softbodies to render,calculate,keep track on position, calculation shadows, AO etc.... /30 times every second..

    And it a lot of stress on the processor(s).. Not so much on the Graphic card..

  9. About maths, 99.9999999% of all KSP Players use MechJeb.

    You need to get your facts straight, max 60% of all Players use MechJeb..

    Some (like me) have it just to get some mods up and running..

    Others use it just for practicality.. Orbital Stats, PE, AP..

    They might have it but they don't exploit it's autopilot..

    With minimal effort you can fly more efficient than it..

  10. I was just reading on the dev blogs about how moho can incinerate your ship if you land on its bright side? whats is this trickery, is this the precursor to atmospheric heat effects of or just a set area that cannot be entered without violently exploding?

    My best guess is that its just a area in the atmosphere where the heat obliterates your engines..

    I thought of something considering the new update, im more excited by new parts than new places to (crash)land..

    I'm wondering about balance, Engines would/should be more efficient(IspVac-400-600), probably bit more thrust(10-20%).. How to balance somethings that just from the start better..

    My guess is they are pone overheating in atmosphere.. and/or Heaver therefore lower thrust to weight ratio?

    This is just my speculation..

    Any thoughts?

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