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Everything posted by SLAMS

  1. Yea I read that too, you've misunderstood. If you launch a craft it will retain its settings, thats fine. But every time you launch a new craft it reverts. And again, I dont know why the default camera mode has left right as rotate. To me, that is a camera mode that shouldnt exist.
  2. I'll try not to rant. But why on earth is the KSP2 camera so different from 1? Why would anyone want left/right to be rotate? Am I crazy, is this something I can turn off or something. Not to mention its ultra sensitive, it takes about an inch and a half left to right to do a full 360, why, who wants this? I used to change the camera to "Auto" so it worked like KSP1 but now in patch2... it also rotates? Now I need to use "horizon mode" but I have to change it EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'm getting tired of hitting V. The thing that confuses me most is that I havent seen anyone else complain about this. Is this not an issue for everyone else?
  3. Seems to be the case with SRW-125 and the MK1 Peragrine. This causes the reaction wheels to fight the RCS and cause persistent wobble bleeding monoprop the whole time to fight it if SAS is enabled. Yaw and Pitch is correct. Enabling SAS without RCS will cause the craft to roll to one side and accelerate. You cannot use reaction wheels alone to point the craft at anything with SAS because of this, the craft just rolls and pitches/yaws aimlessly. Edit: Quiting and restarting fixed the problem. So, at some point it became inverted for some reason.
  4. Here's something I've been working on.
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