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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Some forum members are bound to do things that annoy each of us. It's unavoidable. Please do not turn this thread into a discussion of how much we get on each other's nerves, because that isn't going to be pleasant for anyone.
  2. Jeez. How come no one is following the game rules anymore? I ban you all and start a fresh game. My hill.
  3. Guys, if there's a problem in a thread, rather than further derailing it and hurting each other's feelings, just hit the report button on a post and let the moderators deal with it. And yeah, people have been sloppy about the rules in a lot of games lately, so to keep my own post on-topic: 4-1 = 3
  4. Hi Starchaser. Good luck in your endeavours.
  5. If you'd like, a moderator could edit an additional option into your poll. Send us a PM.
  6. Not impossible, but much more difficult. In prograde, you approach at (your speed) minus (moon's orbit speed), while in retrograde, you approach at (your speed) plus (moon's orbit speed). Approaching retrograde requires you to loose much more dV in order to avoid smashing into the surface.
  7. If you want to discuss the nature and behavior of NASA, that's fine. But it would belong in its own thread, as this one is about Mars One.
  8. Please do not get into politics on our forum. That way lies madness!
  9. I test my ships extensively. By the time I'm taking a design on a "real" mission, it's quite reliable. So yes, I would fly them.
  10. Closed for, take your pick: politics, personal attacks, being way (WAY!) off-topic, etc.
  11. Since my last attempt apparently wasn't clear enough, I will just come out and say it. Play by the rules or don't play.
  12. Whether or not people like the community is not the subject of the thread. Please don't get off-topic.
  13. What is the purpose of this thread?
  14. I delete the thread and start a new one in which people obey the rules of the game. My hill.
  15. To make the math manageable, Olex' calculator assumes you instantaneously accelerate to the specified speed at the point in time indicated by the calculator. What most players do is estimate the burn time and start before the specified moment at T-(burn time/2), doing half the burn before and half the burn after the ideal moment. Very low thrust ships might be wise to do it in "kicks," or more than one burn as you pass around the planet to the ejection point on successive orbits.
  16. Apollo had vid cameras because there was motion to record. In an environment where nothing moves, still cameras are just as useful, but simpler and more reliable.
  17. Planetfall, you need to post a few times before the software believes you are not an advertizing bot, and then you'll be able to customize your account. Or, what Starhawk said.
  18. There's no need to resort to insulting each other, guys. The thread will be closed now.
  19. With regard to some removed posts, keep it on-topic, please, and the language filter exists for a reason, so please don't play tricks to get around it, okay guys?
  20. Removed a couple of posts. It's just a game, guys. Please don't be unnecessarily mean to each other.
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