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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Moved to Kerbal Network.
  2. This kind of nuts-and-bolts question belongs in Gameplay Questions. And so, it has been moved.
  3. Turned out there was a security risk somewhere in the system, and so they will remain disabled on this forum. Sorry.
  4. Thread moved to the subforum for how-to kinds of questions.
  5. How's the AE-35 unit on that thing? Reliable?
  6. How-to question moved to the how-to subforum.
  7. This thread has wandered quite far from its subject. Time to move on, please.
  8. We don't really need 2 threads of cloud pictures. Merged.
  9. Here is a written/illustrated walkthrough for reaching orbit, with an example ship you can download to fly it with.
  10. Welcome Finox. Glad you joined.
  11. Nice. (Also, moved to the sub-forum for player-made vids.)
  12. Are you sure that's not just the self-limit on the "ruggedized" TR-2L wheels?
  13. I like to look past my ship at the intended landing spot at roughly a 45 degree angle. As for tipping over at touchdown, the trick is not so much piloting as ship design. The lower and wider the better.
  14. One of many things I've been meaning to getting around to doing.
  15. So, how about that new female kerbal model? (Hint, hint. The topic is over that way, guys.)
  16. This affair about add-ons has been moved to Add-on Affairs.
  17. Please add some info to this. Meanwhile, the thread is being moved to the support section.
  18. Good luck, but you know the evidence always disappears before you can bring it back.
  19. They can't do everything in every update. One version concentrated on new planets, another gave us larger rocket parts, and recently they've turned their attention to aircraft because of a great deal of player demand. This does not signify a change in the course of the game's development.
  20. Vanamonde


    Welcome in from the cold, lurker.
  21. As almost no posts in this thread are actually about the topic, it has become useless and will be closed now. ramazoti, please feel free to re-submit your question in the proper sub-forum, where I hope you will be met with helpful replies.
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