Several 0ff-topic posts regarding the pros and cons of other sites have been removed from this thread. If this keeps up, folks, we will have to start giving out infractions.
Random failures is one of those ideas that has been so beaten into the dirt that we've added it to our list of things not to suggest again, for the sake of keeping forum discussions moving along productive lines. Please review this list before starting threads. This one will be closed now.
The original version of V. The alien leader woman has been challenged to a duel to the death. But she's not scared, because "I've never been beaten in mortal combat!" That was around 30 years ago, and I still think it's just about the single stupidest line of dialog I have ever heard.
Here's a written, illustrated walkthrough I made. Comes with a sandbox example ship you can download to fly it with. Also, moved to Gameplay Questions.