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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. This affair about add-ons has been moved to Add-on Affairs.
  2. There are some legal issues involved here, guys, so be careful. After KSP was released as a product for purchase (versions 14 and above), the KSP store and Steam became the only legal places from which to get those versions, and they only offer the current version. The pre-14 versions were put out for free as demos. They are not currently available from Squad, but can be found here and there around the internet. Oh, and recently they made next-to-newest version also available from the store as well, for people who might want to go down one for compatibility reasons.
  3. Add-on question moved to Add-on Affairs.
  4. This suggestion has been moved to Suggestions. Also, Steam Workshop is one of those ideas which has been hashed over so many times that it has been placed on the list of things not to suggest again, so please just skip that one.
  5. How about approaching Jool at a bit of an inclination so that you pass above or below the plane of the moons' orbits? As for myself, I just make the transfer, and when I get there, see what opportunities for useful slingshots the geometry might have given me.
  6. Okay people, simply throwing insults and disdain at Squad is not going to persuade them to do anything differently. Any further posts along those lines will be considered trolling/derailing, infracted, and removed. If you have a criticism, express it with specifics and what you would like done differently.
  7. Duplicate threads merged.
  8. Let's not get into real world gender politics, please. That subject is far too big for our game forum, and is one of the things which seems to invariably result in rage posts, infractions, and threads getting locked. On-topic: so far, 20% of poll respondents have identified themselves as female.
  9. If folks could talk about this without a) using insulting terms for fellow KSP players and stating their opinions about things that haven't happened yet as if they are objective and established facts, that would be great.
  10. This is a rare glitch that comes up from time to time. Sometimes, the direction of the illumination rotates slowly in the vertical plane. It used to happen a lot with Tosh's cart mod, but I've seen it in stock once or twice as well.
  11. It was in the wrong spot, but now it's in the right spot. As for myself, I have not encountered this problem.
  12. Within the game, "monopropellant" and "RCS" are different names for the same parts. Whether or not the efficiency ratings of the two propulsion systems differ is less of a consideration than the fact that RCS engines and tanks are very small, making them useful for probes regardless of their relative efficiency. They are far too weak for all but the tiniest ships, though.
  13. You can indeed jump directly to one of the warp settings by clicking on the green triangles of the warp indicator. It did used to sometimes cause problems, but for that reason, it's been so long since I tried it that I don't recall what kind of problems it caused. Nor do I know if it still does. So, um, yeah. There's that bit of semi-information for your consideration.
  14. It should fairly bother me if the entirety of a very useful concept was tossed out the window solely because the very first attempt was not ideally efficient.
  15. If avatars are a problem for you, it is a forum option to turn them off. Click on "Settings" on the upper right of the main pages, then "general settings" down that page a bit on the left, then about halfway down that page under "thread display options," there is an option to turn avatars off.
  16. People, can we please discuss this without singling out individual fellow forum members for condemnation? People choose their avatars to represent some aspect of their own personalities or interests. Saying "Bob's avatar is obnoxious," is, to an extent, the same thing as saying "Bob's personality is obnoxious." It's needlessly harsh, contributes to a sense of enmity within the community, and furthermore, it's not necessary to name names to make one's points.
  17. No expansion packs or DLCs are planned. They're not holding anything back.
  18. Way to entirely miss the point of the car analogy, guys. And Camacha, not everyone who criticizes the shuttle does so in a caustic way. But some people do, and it bothers me.
  19. How-to sort of question moved to the how-to sort of sub-forum. Carry on.
  20. The game is still in development. That means every new version could break existing saves. It's just part of the process. It's happened many times before, and will likely happen again.
  21. I would tell people to get back to the point of the thread, except I haven't been able to figure out what that is. PB666, if there is a point you wish to make, please phrase it more clearly and start a new thread, because this one has gone off the rails.
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